Home Fascicolo n.6/1985 Bibliografia
La corsa per sfuggire all'infarto
pubblicato nel Novembre - Dicembre 1985 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.6


Allison T.G., Iammarino R.M., Metz K.F., Skrinar G.S., Kuller L.H., Robertson R.J.: Failure of exercise to increase high density lipoprotein cholesterol . J Cardiac Rehab 1, 257-265 (1981).

Ballantyne F.C., Clark R.S., Simpson H.S., Ballantyne D.: The effect of moderate physical exercise on the plasma lipoorotein subfractions of male survivors of myocardial infaction . Circulation 65, 913-918 (1982).

Berg A., Johns J., Baumstark M., Kreutz W., Keul J.: Changess in HDL subfractions after a single, extended episode of physical exercise . Atherosclerosis 47, 23l-240(l983).

Berg A., Keul J., Ringwald G., Stippig J., Deus B.: Serum lipoprotein cholesterol in sedentary and trained male patients with coronary heart disease . Clin Cardiol 4,233-237 (1981).

Cullinane E., Siconolfi S., Saritelli A., Thompson P.D.: Acute decrease in serum triglycerides with exercise: is there a threshold for an exercise effect? Metabolism 31, 844-847,(1982).

Farrell P.A., Maksud M.G., Pollock M.L., Foster C., Anholm J., Hare J., Leon A.S.: A comparison of plasma cholesterol triglycerides, and high density lipoprotein-cholesterol in speed skaters, weightlifters and non-athletes . Eur J Appl Physiol 48, 77-82(l982).

Frey M.A.B., Doerr B.M., Laubach L.L., Mann B.L., Glueck C.J.: Exercise does not change high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in women after ten weeks of training . Metabolism 31,1142-1146 (1982).

Goldberg L., Elliot D.L., Schutz R.W., Kloster F.E.: Changes in lipid and lipoprotein levels after weight training . JAMA 252, 504-506 (1984).

Haskell W.L.: Exercise-induced changes in plasma lipids and lipoproteins . Preventive Medicine 13, 23-36 (1984).

Haskell W.L., Taylor H.L., Wood P.D., Schrott H., Heiss G.: Strenuous physical activity, treadmill exercise test performance and plasma hig-density lipoprotein cholesterol . Circulation 92 (suppl IV), IV-53-61 (1980).

Heath G.W., Ehsani A.A., Hagberg J.M., Hinderliter J.M., Goldberg A.P.: Exercise training improves lipoprotein lipid profiles in patients with coronary artery disease . Am Heart J 105, 889-894 (1983).

Huttunen J.K., Lansimies E., Voutilainen E., Ehnholm C., Hietanen E., Penttila I., Siitonen O., Rauramaa R.: Effect of moderate physical exercise on serum lipoproteins. A controlled clinical trial with special reference to serum high-density lipoproteins . Circulation 60, 1220-1229 (1979).

Kantor M.A., Cullinane E.M., Herbert P.N., Thompson P.D.: Acute increase in lipoprotein liopase following prolonged exercise . Metabolism 33, 454-457 (1984).

Lampman R.M., Santinga J.T., Savage P.J., Bassett D.R., Hydrick C.R., Flora Jr. J.D., Block W.D.: Effect of exercise training on glucose tolerance, in vivo insulin sensitivity, lipid and lipoprotein concentrations in middle-aged men with mild hypertriglyceridemia . Metabolism 34, 205-210 (1985).

La Rosa J.C., Cleary P., Muesing R.A., Gorman P., Hellerstein H.K., Naughton J.: Effect of lomg-term moderate physical exercise on plasma lipoproteins. The National Exercise and Heart Disease Project. Arch Int Med 142, 2269-2274 (1982).

Linder C.W., DuRant R.H., Mahoney O.: The effect of physical conditioning on serum lipids and lipoproteins in white male adolescents . Med Sci Sports Exerc 15, 232-236 (1983).

Rotkis T.C., Cote R., Coyle E., Wilmare J.H.: Relationship between high density lipoprotein cholesterol and weekly running mileage . J Cardiac Rehab 2, 109-112 (1982).

The Lipid Research Clinics population Studies Data Book. Volume I. The Prevalence Study. U. S. department of Health and Human Service. NIH Publication No. 80-1527, July 1980.

Wirth A., Diehm C., Kohlmeier M., Heuck C.C., Vogel I.: Effect of prolonged exercise on serum lipids and lipoproteins . Metabolism 32, 669-672 (1983).

Wood P.D., Haskell W.L., Blair S.N., Williams P.T., Krauss R.M., Lindgren F.T., Albers J.J., Ho PH, Farquhar J.W.: Increased exercise level and plasma lipoprotein concentration: a one-year, randomized, controller study in sedentary, middle-aged men . Metabolism 32, 31-39 (1983).