Home Fascicolo n.4/2005 Bibliografia
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pubblicato nel Luglio - Agosto 2005 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.4


  1. Stray-Gundersen J, Levine BD. "Living high and training low" can improve sea level performance in endurance athletes. Br J Sports Med. 1999; 33(3): 150-1.

  2. Stray-Gundersen J, Chapman RF, Levine BD. “Living high-training low" altitude training improves sea level performance in male and female elite runners. J Appl Physiol 2001; 91(3): 1113-20.

  3. Hoppeler H, Vogt M. Hypoxia training for sea-level performance. Training high-living low. Adv Exp Med Biol 2001; 502: 61-73.

  4. Boning D, Maassen N, Jochum F et al. After-effects of a high altitude expedition on blood. Int J Sports Med 1997; 18(3): 179-85.

  5. Gaudard A, Varlet-Marie E, Bressolle F et al. Drugs for increasing oxygen and their potential use in doping: a review. Sports Med 2003; 33(3): 187-212.

  6. Berglund B, Gennser M, Ornhagen H et al. Erythropoietin concentrations during 10 days of normobaric hypoxia under controlled environmental circumstances. Acta Physiol Scand 2002; 174(3): 225-9.

  7. Ashenden MJ, Gore CJ, Parisotto R et al. Effect of altitude on second-generation blood tests to detect erythropoietin abuse by athletes. Haematologica 2003; 88(9): 1053-62.

  8. Abellan R, Remacha AF, Ventura R et al. Hematologic response to four weeks of intermittent hypobaric hypoxia in highly trained athletes. Haematologica 2005; 90(1): 126-7.

  9. Rice L, Ruiz W, Driscoll T et al. Neocytolysis on descent from altitude: a newly recognized mechanism for the control of red cell mass. Ann Intern Med 2001; 134(8): 652-6.

  10. Villa JG, Lucia A, Marroyo JA et al. Does intermittent hypoxia increase erythropoiesis in professional cyclists during a 3-week race? Can J Appl Physiol 2005; 30(1): 61-73.