Home Fascicolo n.3/2001 Bibliografia
L'emozione del vento
pubblicato nel Maggio - Giugno 2001 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.3


  1. Bechemont F, Fouillot F, Izou M et al. Study of heart rate in a dinghy and windsurfing by ambulatory monitoring. Union Med Can 1984; 113: 644-47.

  2. Blackburn M. Physiological responses to 90 minute of simulated dinghy sailing. J Sports Sci 1994; 14: 383-90.

  3. Carraro M, Sceusa R, Sasso F, Simoni M et al. La valutazione fisica nel velista di optimist. Med Sport 1992; 45: 411-16.

  4. Dierck TH, Rieckert H. Strains imposed on young persons in optimist saling. Dtsche Sportmed 1980; 31: 262-67.

  5. Gallozzi C, De Angelis M, Fanton F et al. Energy expenditure in sailing. Rivista di Cultura Sportiva 1992; 11: 19-21.

  6. Harrison J, Burstzyn P, Coleman S et al. A comparison of heart rate, oxygen uptake relationship for cycle and dinghy ergometry. J Sports Sci 1988; 6: 6-160.

  7. McLoughlin E, Hale T, Harrison J, Keen P. The effects of dietary manipulation on physiological responses ta a 30 minute sailing task. Med Sci Res 1993; 21: 869-70.

  8. Niinimaa V, Wright G, Shephard RJ et al. Characteristics of the successful dinghy sailor. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 1977; 17: 83-96.

  9. Shephard RJ. The biology and medicine of sailing. Sport Med 1990; 9: 86-99.

  10. Shephard RJ. Biology and medicine of sailing. An update. Sport Med 1997; 23: 350-56.

  11. Spurway NC, Burns R. Comparison of dynamic and static fitness-training programmes for dinghy sailors and some questions concerning the physiology of hiking. Med Sci Res 1993; 21: 865-67.

  12. Vogiatzis I, Spurway, Wilson J et al. assessment of anaerobic demands of dinghy sailing at different wind velocities. J Sports Med Fitness 1995; 35: 103-07.

  13. Vogiatzis I, Spurway NC, Jennet S et al. Changes in ventilation related to changes in electromyograph activity during repetitive bouts of isometric exercise in simulated Sailing. Eur J Appl Physiol 1996; 72: 195-203.