Home Fascicolo n.3/1993 Bibliografia
Postura ed esercizio fisico
pubblicato nel Maggio - Giugno 1993 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.3


Cavagna G.A.: Muscolo e Locomozione. Cortina ed. - Milano 1988.

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Rolf I.P.: The integration of human structures. S. Monica: Den. Landeman Publishers 1977.

Roll J.P., Roll R.: From eye to foot: a proprioceptive chain involved in postural control. in B. Amblard, A. Berthoz, F. Clarac: Posture and gait: development, adaption and modulation, Elsevier Sc.

Lacour M., Toupet M., Denise P., Christen Y.: Vestibular Compensation: fact, theories and clinical perspectives. Elsever, Paris 1989.

Norre M.E.: Posture in otoneurology. in Acta ORL Belgica 1990.

Saggini R.: Moviment System Balance Theory: a. Biomechanical Approach. Proceedings of European Symposium on Clinical Gait Analysis. Biomechanik ETH Zurich 1992 pag.87-90.

Saggini R., Gianberardino M.A., Marini I., Vecchiet F., De Fazio P.: Equilibrio del sistema di movimento: sindromi miofasciali in ambito cervico-facciale in Postura-Occlusione-Rachide: problematiche interdisciplinari . Atti AISP 1991.

Saggini R., Ridi R.: Biomecanical and functional correlations between postural system and craniomandibular region European Society of Biomechanics - Rome 1993.

Sir Grafton Elliot Smith and the evolution of man , in A.P. Elkin e N.G.W. Macintosh (a cura di), Grafton Elliot Smith: the man and his work, Sidney University Press, Sidney - 1974.

Vecchiet L., Giamberardino M.A., Saggini R.: Myofacial pain Syndroms clinical and patophisiological aspects . The Clinical Journal of Pain, 7: S16-S22 1991 Ravenpress L.T.D. New York.

Winter D.A.: Biomechanics and motor control of human movement University of Waterloo Jolin. Waley.& Sons, Inc., 1990.