Home Fascicolo n.1/2002 Bibliografia
Perfezionare con la mente
pubblicato nel Gennaio - Febbraio 2002 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.1


  1. Contarelli B, Turci M. Traditional karate at school: a didactic project. Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Traditional Karate and Budo Arts, Bologna: 2000; 4.

  2. Ferrario VF, Turci M, Shirai Y, Pizzini G. A landmark-based 3D analysis of the repeatability of two attacks in traditional Shotokan karate. Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, 1999; 104: S142.

  3. Ferrario VF. The morphological 3D analysis of movement: applications to Traditional karate. Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Traditional Karate and Budo Arts, Bologna: 2000; 5.

  4. Funakoshi G. Karate-do Kyohan: the master text. Tokyo: Kodansha, 1973.

  5. Funakoshi G. Karate-do. My way of life. Tokyo: Kodansha, 1975.

  6. Iso-Ahola SE. Mental Training. In Karvonen J et al. Medicine in Sport Training and Coaching. Basel, Karger, 1992; 35: 215-234.

  7. Nakayama M. Dynamic Karate. Tokyo: Kodansha, 1983.

  8. Nishiyama H, Brown RC. Karate: the art of the empty-hand fighting. Tokyo: Tuttle, 1996.

  9. Robazza C, Bortoli L. La preparazione mentale nel tiro con l'arco. SdS 1993; XII, 31: 40-46.

  10. Sforza C, Turci M, Grassi G, Michielon G, Fragnito N, Ferrario VF. La ripetitibilità del gesto sportivo nel karate Shotokan. Sport e Medicina 1998; 6: 33-40.

  11. Sforza C, Turci M, Grassi G, Fragnito N, Pizzini G, Ferrario VF. A morphological three-dimensional analysis of two attacks in traditional Shotokan karate. Procedings of 4th Annual Congress of European College of Sport Science, 1999, 487.

  12. Sforza C, Turci M., Grassi G, Fragnito N, Pizzini G, Ferrario VF. The repeatability of choku-tsuki and oi-tsuki in traditional Shotokan karate: a morphological three-dimensional analysis. Perceptual and Motor Skills 2000a; 90: 947-960.

  13. Sforza C, Turci M, Grassi G, Shirai Y, Ferrario VF. A 3-D based analysis of the repeatability of choku-tsuki and oi-tsuki in Traditional karate. Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Traditional Karate and Budo Arts, Bologna: 2000b; 12.

  14. Sforza C, Turci M, Grassi G, Fragnito N, Serrao G, Ferrario VF. Repeatability of choku-tsuki and oi-tsuki in Shotokan Karate: a 3-dimensional analysis with thirteen black-belt karateka. Perceptual and Motor Skills 2001; 92: 1230-32.

  15. Shirai H. Manuale di Karate. Milano: G.E.P., 1976.

  16. Singer RN. Sport performance: a five –step mental approach. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance 1986; 57: 82-84.

  17. Singer RN. Strategies and metastrategies in learning and performing self-paced athletic skills. The Sport Psychologyst 1988; 2: 49-88.

  18. Stoffregen TA, Pagulayan RJ, Bardy BG, Hettinger LJ. Modulating postural control to facilitate visual performance. Human Movement Sciences 2000; 19: 203-20.

  19. Turci M, Grassi G, Fragnito N, Michielon G, Sforza C. A 3-D Study of the repeatability of mae-geri-keage in Traditional karate. Proceedings of World Congress of Combat Sports and Martial Arts, Amiens: 2000; 174-75.

  20. Wolfson L, Whipple R, Derby CA, Amerman P, Nashner L. Gender differences in the balance of healthy elderly as demonstrated by dynamic posturography. Journal of Gerontology 1994; 49: M160-167.