Home Fascicolo n.1/2013 Bibliografia
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pubblicato nel Gennaio - Febbraio 2013 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.1


  1. Bailey R. Physical education and sport in school: a review of benefits and outcomes. J Sch Health 2006; 76: 97-401.

  2. Stodden DF, Goodway JD, Langendorfer SJ et al. A Developmental perspective on the role of motor skill competence in physical activity: an emergent relationship. Quest 2008; 60: 290-306.

  3. Morano M, Colella D, Robazza C, Bortoli L, Capranica L. Physical self-perception and motor performance in normal-weight, overweight and obese children. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2011; 21: 465-73.

  4. Blair SN. Physical inactivity: the biggest public health problem of the 21st century, Br J Sports Med 2009; 43: 1-2.

  5. Pate RR, Mitchell JA, Byun W, Dowda M. Sedentary behaviour in youth. Br J Sports Med 2011; 45: 906-13.

  6. Ekelund U, Grant R, Tomkinson GR, Armstrong N. What proportion of youth are physically active? Measurement issues, levels and recent time trends. Br J Sports Med 2011; 45: 859-65.

  7. Trost SG, Loprinzi PD. Exercise - Promoting healthy lifestyles in children and adolescents. J Clin Lipidol 2008; 2: 162-8.

  8. Brambilla P, Pozzobon G, Pietrobelli A. Physical activity as the main therapeutic tool for metabolic syndrome in childhood. Int J Obes (Lond) 2011; 35(1): 16-28.

  9. Global Recommendations on Physical activity for Health. Consultabile all’indirizzo internet: [accessed oct. 24, 2012].

  10. Andersen LB, Harro M, Sardinha LB et al. Physical activity and clustered cardiovascular risk in children: a cross-sectional study (The European Youth Heart Study). Lancet 2006; 368(9532): 299-304.

  11. Pate RR, Davis MG, Robinson TN et al. American Heart Association Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism (Physical Activity Committee); Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young; Council on Cardiovascular Nursing. Promoting physical activity in children and youth: a leadership role for schools: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism (Physical Activity Committee) in collaboration with the Councils on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young and Cardiovascular Nursing. Circulation 2006; 12(114): 1214-24.

  12. Pigeot I, Barba G, Chadjigeorgiou C et al. Prevalence and determinants of childhood overweight and obesity in European countries: pooled analysis of the existing surveys within the IDEFICS Consortium. Int J Obes 2009; 33(10): 1103-10.

  13. Lavelle HV, Mackay DF, Pell JP. Systematic review and meta-analysis of school-based interventions to reduce body mass index. J Public Health 2012; 34(3): 360-9.

  14. Hills AP, King NA, Armstrong TP. The contribution of physical activity and sedentary behaviours to the growth and development of children and adolescents: implications for overweight and obesity. Sports Med 2007; 37(6): 533-45.

  15. Hills AP, Andersen LB, Byrne NM. Physical activity and obesity in children. Br J Sports Med 2011; 45: 866-70.

  16. Branca F, Nikogosian H, Lobstein T. La sfida dell’obesità nella Regione europea dell’OMS e le strategie di risposta, World Health Organization 2007 (, Centro Nazionale per la Prevenzione e il Controllo delle malattie (CCM). Roma: Ministero della salute, 2008.

  17. Spinelli A, Lamberti A, Nardone P, Andreozzi S, Galeone D. Sistema di sorveglianza Okkio alla salute: risultati 2010. Rapporti ITISAN 12/14. Roma: Istituto superiore di sanità, 2012.

  18. Kriemler S, Meyer U, Martin E et al. Effect of school-based interventions on physical activity and fitness in children and adolescents: a review of reviews and systematic update. Br J Sports Med 2011; 45: 923-30.

  19. Kropski JA, Keckley PH, Jensen GL. School-based obesity prevention programs: an evidence-based review. Obesity 2008; 16: 1009-018.

  20. Kevin C. Harris MD, Lisa K et al. Effect of school-based physical activity interventions on body mass index in children: a meta-analysis. CMAJ 2009; 180(7): 719-26.

  21. Harris KC, Kuramoto LK, Schulzer M, Retallack JE. Effect of school-based physical activity interventions on body mass index in children: a meta-analysis. CMAJ 2009; 180: 719-26.

  22. Dobbins M, De Corby K, Robeson P, Husson H, Tirilis D. School-based physical activity programs for promoting physical activity and fitness in children and adolescents aged 6-18. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2009; (1): CD007651.

  23. Harter S. The perceived competence scale for children. Child Development 1982; 53: 87-97.

  24. Bandura A. Self-efficacy mechanism in human agency. American Psychologist 1982; 37(2): 122-47.

  25. Goni A, Zulaika LM. L’education physique a l’ecole et l’amelioration du concept de soi. Staps 2001; 56: 75-92.

  26. Feltz DL, Short S, Sullivan P. Self-efficacy in sport. Research and strategies for working with athletes, teams, and coaches. Champaign (IL): Human Kinetics, 2008.

  27. Riddiford-Harland DL, Steele JR, Baur LA. Upper and lower limb functionality: Are these compromised in obese children ? Int J Pediatr Obes 2006; 1(1): 42-9.

  28. Morano, M, Bortoli L, Colella D. Motor abilities, body image and physical self-efficacy in obese and non-obese children. Proceedings of 4th FIEP European Congress “Physical Education and Sport. Teachers preparation and their employability in Europe” – Bratislava (Slovakia), August 29th-31th 2007: 633-8.

  29. Colella D, Sirressi A, Morano M. Prestazione motoria e percezione di sé. Sviluppo motorio, autoefficacia e pratica sportiva in età evolutiva. SdS - Rivista di Cultura Sportiva 2010; 85: 55-63.

  30. Cole TJ, Bellizzi MC, Flegal KM, Dietz WH. Establishing a standard definition for child overweight and obesity worldwide: international survey. BMJ 2000; 320(7244): 1240-3.

  31. Council of Europe, Committee for the Development of Sport. Handbook for the EUROFIT tests of physical fitness. Roma: Edigraf editoriale grafica, 1988.

  32. Morrow JR, Jackson AW, Disch JG, Mood DP. Measurement and evaluation in human performance (2nd ed). Champaign (IL): Human Kinetics, 2000.

  33. Falk B, Cohen Y, Lustig G et al. Tracking of physical fitness components in boys and girls from the second to sixth grades. Am J Hum Biol 2001; 13: 65-70.

  34. Colella D, Morano M, Bortoli L, Robazza C. A physical self-efficacy scale for children. Social behavior and personality 2008; 36: 841-8.

  35. Huang YC, Malina MR. Body mass index and individual physical fitness tests in Taiwanese youth aged 9-18 years. Int J Pediatr Obes 2010; 5(5): 404-11.

  36. Melanie H, Meaney KS, Isidro M. Relationships between children’s motor abilities and BMI: A preliminary investigation. J Sport Exerc Psychol 2009; 31: S20-S25.

  37. Deforche BI, Hills AP, Worringham CJ et al. Balance and postural skills in normal-weight and overweight prepubertal boys. Int J Pediatr Obes 2009; 4(3): 175-82.

  38. Graf C, Tokarski W, Predel HG, Koch B, Dordel B. Overweight and obesity in childhood – how can physical activity help? Physical Education and Sport 2006; 50: 54-9.

  39. Okely AD, Booth ML, Chey T. Relationships between body composition and fundamental movement skills among children and adolescents. Res Q Exerc Sport 2004; 75(3): 238-47.

  40. Chiodera P, Volta E, Gobbi G et al. Specifically designed physical exercise programs improbe children’s motor abilities. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2008; 18: 179-87.

  41. Sollerhed AC, Ejlertsson G. Physical benefits of expanded physical education in primary school: findings from a 3-year intervention study in Sweden. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2008; 18: 102-7.

  42. Naylor PJ, Macdonald HM, Warburton D, Reed KE, McKay HA. An active school model to promote physical activity in elementary schools: Action schools! Br J Sports Med 2008; 42: 338-43.

  43. Crocker P, Eklund R, Kowalski K. Children’s physical activity and physical self-perceptions. Journal of Sport Sciences 2000; 18: 383-94.

  44. IUHPE – International Union for Health Promotion and education –, tr it. Bonfanti M, Coppola L, DORS Regione Piemonte, 2011.

Ulteriori approfondimenti

  • Bandura A. Perceived self-efficacy in cognitive development and functioning. Educational Psychologist 1993; (28)2: 117-148.

  • Deforche B, Lefevre J, De Bourdeaudhuij I, Hills AP, Duquet W, Bouckaert J. Physical fitness and physical activity in obese and non-obese Flemish youth. Obesity Research 2003; 11(3): 434-41.

  • Docherty D (ed). Measurement in pediatric exercise science. Champaign (IL): Human Kinetics, 1996.

  • Kriemler S, Meyer U, Martin E, van Sluijs EMF, Andersen LB, Martin BW. Effect of school-based interventions on physical activity and fitness in children and adolescents: a review of reviews and systematic update. Br J Sports Med 2011; 45: 923-30.

  • Mosston M, Ashworth S. Teaching physical education, first on line edition, 2008.

  • Stein CJ, Fisher L, Berkey C, Colditz G. Adolescent physical activity and perceived competence: does change in activity level impact self-perception? Journal of Adolescent Health 2007; 40: 462e1-462e8.