Home Fascicolo n.6/2011 Bibliografia
Esiti di tenorrafia achillea: riabilitazione accelerata
pubblicato nel Novembre - Dicembre 2011 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.6


  1. Gigante et al. Open versus percutaneous repair in the treatment of acute Achilles tendon rupture: a randomized prospective study. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2008; 16(2): 204-9.

  2. Ceccarelli et al. Percutaneous and minimally invasive techniques of Achilles tendon repair. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2007; 458: 188-93.

  3. Ozakaya et al. Acute and chronic Achilles tendon ruptures in athletes. Clan Podiatr Med Surg 2011; 28(1): 117-35.

  4. Calder et al. Early, active rehabilitation following mini-open repair of Achilles tendon rupture: a prospective study. J Sports Med 2005; 39(11): 857-9.

  5. Sorrenti SJ. Achilles tendon rupture: effect of early mobilization in rehabilitation after surgical repair. Foot Ankle Int 2006; 27(6): 407-10.

  6. Mortensen HM et al. Early motion of ankle after operative treatment of a rupture of the Achilles tendon. A prospective, randomized clinical and radiographic study. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1999; 81(7): 983-90.

  7. Yotsumoto et al. Novel approach to repair of acute achilles rupture: early recovery without postoperative fixation or orthosis. Am J Sports Med 2010; 38(2): 287-92.

  8. Maffulli N et al. Achilles tendon rutures in elite athletes. Foot Ankle Int 2011; 32(1): 9-15.

  9. Rettig et al. Potential risk of rerupture in primary achilles repair in athletes younger than 30 years of age. Am J Sports Med 2005; 33(1): 119-23.