Home Fascicolo n.6/2004 Bibliografia
Pneumologia & sport
pubblicato nel Novembre - Dicembre 2004 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.6


  1. Helenius I, Rytila P, Sarna S et al. Effect of continuing or finishing high-level sports on airway inflammation, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and asthma: a 5-year prospective follow-up study of 42 highly trained swimmers. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2002; 109(6): 962-8.

  2. Varraso R, Massin N, Hery M et al. Not only training but also exposure to chlorinated compounds generates a response to oxidative stimuli in swimmers. Toxicol Ind Health 2002; 18(6): 269-78.

  3. Drobnik F, Freixa A, Casan P, Sanchis J, Guardino X. Assessment of clorine exposure in swimmers during training. Arch Envir Health 1993; 48: 250-4.

  4. Mrvos R, Dean BS, Krenzelok EP. Home exposures chlorochine/chloramine gas: review of 216 cases. South Med J 1993; 86: 654-7.

  5. Potts J. Factors associated with respiratory problems in swimmers. Sport Med 1996; 21: 256-61.

  6. Nemery B, Hoet PHM, Nowak D. Indoor swimming pools, water chlorination and respiratory health. Eur Respir J 2002; 19: 790-3.

  7. Thickett KM, McCoach JS, Gerber JM, Sadhra S, Burge PS. Occupational asthma caused by chloramines in indoor swimming-pool air. Eur Respir J 2002; 19(5): 827-32.