Home Fascicolo n.6/2002 Bibliografia
Lo swing del golf
pubblicato nel Novembre - Dicembre 2002 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.6


  • Adlington GS. Proper swing technique and biomechanics of golf. Clin Sports Med 1996; 15(1): 9-26.

  • Ayne F, Furman DPM. Sports Medicine: Nineteenth hole could be your office. BioMechanics 1998; 2.

  • Hosea TM, Gatt CJ, Galli KM, Langrana NA, Zawadsky JP. Biomechanical analysis of the golfer’s back. In: Cochran AJ, ed. Science and Golf. London: E & FN Spon, 1990: 43-48.

  • John R, Stephenson MD. Sports Medicine: Biomechanical basics underlie golf pros’ advice. BioMechanics 1998; 9.

  • Thomas A, Pietrocarlo DPM. Foot and ankle considerations in golf. Clin Sports Med 1996; 15(1): 129-46.