Home Fascicolo n.6/2000 Bibliografia
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pubblicato nel Novembre - Dicembre 2000 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.6


1) Browne P.A., Clark G.T., Yang Q., Nakano M.: Sternocleidomastoid muscle inhibition induced by trigeminal stimulation . J Dent Res 72:1503-08, 1993.

2) Clark G.T., Browne P.A., Nakano M., Yang Q.: Co-activation of sternocleidomastoid muscles during maximum clenching . J Dent Res, 72:1499-502, 1993.

3) Ehrlich R., Garlick D., Ninio M.: The effect of jaw clenching on the electromyographic activities of 2 neck and 2 trunk muscles . J Orofac Pain, 13:115-20, 1999.

4) Eriksson P.O., Zafar H., Nordh E . : Concomitant mandibular and head-neck movements during jaw opening-closing in man . J Oral Rehabil, 25:859-70, 1998.

5) Shiau Y.-Y., Chai H.-M.: Body posture and hand strength of patients with temporomandibular disorder . J Craniomandib Pract, 8:244-51, 1990.

6) Zuniga C., Miralles R., Mena B., Montt R., Moran D., Santander H., Moya H.: Influence of variation in jaw posture on sternocleidomastoid and trapezius electromyographic activity . J Craniomandib Pract, 13:157-62, 1995.

7) Bracco P., Deregibus A., Piscetta R., Ferrario G . : Observations on the correlation between posture and jaw position: a pilot study . J Craniomandib Pract, 16:252-58, 1998.

8) Ferrario V.F., Sforza C., Schmitz J.H., Taroni A.: Occlusion and centre of foot pressure variation: is there a relationship? J Prosthet Dent, 76:302-08, 1996.

9) Ferrario V.F., Sforza C.: Coordinated electromyographic activity of the human masseter and temporalis anterior muscles during mastication . Eur J Oral Sci, 104:511-17, 1996.

10) Ishijima T., Hirai T., Koshino H., Konishi Y., Yokoyama Y.: The relationship between occlusal support and physical exercise ability . J Oral Rehabil, 25:468-71, 1998.

11) Sforza C., Grassi G.P., Fragnito N., Ferrario V.F.: Un lavoro simmetrico è sempre svolto simmetricamente? Valutazione elettromiografica dei muscoli bicipite brachiale destro e sinistro durante il sollevamento del bilanciere . Sport & Medicina, 15(5):41-45, 1998.

12) Sforza C., Grassi G.P., Fragnito N., Serrao G., Ferrario V.F.: An electromyographic investigation of muscular symmetry during isometric weightlifting . It J Sport Sci, 6:41-47, 1999.

13) De Luca C.J.: The use of surface electromyography in biomechanics . J Appl Biomec, 13:135-63, 1997.

14) Krogh-Lund C., Jørgensen K.: Myo-electric fatigue manifestations revisited: power spectrum, conduction velocity, and amplitude of human elbow flexor muscles during isolated and repetitive endurance contractions at 30% maximal voluntary contraction . Eur J Appl Physiol, 66:161-73, 1993.

15) Ferrario V.F., Sforza C., Serrao G.: The influence of crossbite on the coordinated electromyographic activity of human masticatory muscles during mastication . J Oral Rehabil, 26:575-81, 1999a.

16) Ferrario V.F., Sforza C., Serrao G., Colombo A., Schmitz J.H . : The effects of a single intercuspal interference on electromyographic characteristics of human masticatory muscles during maximal voluntary teeth clenching . J Craniomandib Pract, 17:184-8, 1999b.

17) Ferrario V.F., Sforza C., Colombo A., Ciusa V.: An electromyographic investigation of masticatory muscles symmetry in normo-occlusion subjects . J Oral Rehabil, 27:33-40, 2000.