Home Fascicolo n.5/2012 Bibliografia
Preparazione atletica
Preparazione atletica nel settore giovanile: declinazioni e coniugazioni
pubblicato nel Settembre - Ottobre 2012 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.5


  1. Harre D, Teoria dell’allenamento. Roma: Società stampa sportiva, 1974.

  2. Zacijorskij VM, Le qualità fisiche dello sportivo. Vigevano: Atletica Leggera, 1977.

  3. Blazquez Sanchez D. Avviamento agli sport di squadra. Roma: Società stampa sportiva, 1992.

  4. Martin D, Carl K, Lehnertz K. Manuale di teoria dell’allenamento. Roma: Società stampa sportiva, 1997.

  5. Lyakh V. Solved and unsolved problems of coordination training in Sport. Book of Abstract of 11th International Conference of Sports Kinetics, Kallithea, Greece: 25-27 September2009: 97-8.

  6. Starosta W. Alcuni problemi della tecnica sportiva. Sds 1991; 22: 40-4.

  7. Lehman G. Il principio della multilateralità nell’allenamento giovanile del judo, Sds 1994; 31: 62-6.

  8. Damian M, Stanculescu G, Gevat C et al. Improving the balance for elementary school children, Book of Abstract of 11th International Conference of Sports Kinetics, Kallithea, Greece: 25-27 September 2009: 161-2.

  9. Casolo F. Lineamenti di teoria e metodologia del movimento umano. Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 2002.

  10. Kotzamanidis C. Effect of plyometric training on running performance and vertical jumping in prepubertal boys. J Strength Cond Res 2006; 20(2): 441-5.

  11. Pfeiffer R, Francis R. Effects of strength training on muscle development in prepubescent, pubescent and postpubescent males. Phys sportsmed 1986; 14: 134-43.

  12. Behringer M, vom Heede A, Mester J. L’allenamento della forza nello sport giovanile. Scuola dello sport 2010; 84: 11-20.

  13. Manno R. L’allenamento della forza in età evolutiva - I parte. Scuola dello sport 2009; 81: 51-60.

  14. Tonkonogi M. L’allenamento della forza dei bambini: sì o no? Scuola dello sport 2008; 78: 13-9.

  15. Schwerin J. Un giusto senso del movimento fa la differenza. Atleticastudi 2005; 3-4: 80-93.

  16. Tarva-Parviainen M. Motor coordination training and its effects on learning motor skills. Book of Abstract of 11th International Conference of Sports Kinetics, Kallithea, Greece: 25-27 September 2009: 253-4.

  17. Bechheim. 2008.

  18. Jozak R. Dynamic and functional technique. Book of Abstract of 3rd World Conference on Science and Soccer, Ghent, 14-16 May 2012: 144.

  19. Cervera V, Lorenzo A, Jimenez S. Deliberate practice and deliberate play in soccer. Book of Abstract of 3rd World Conference on Science and Soccer, Ghent, 14-16 May 2012: 223.

  20. Holmstrom S, Stenling A, Davidsson P et al. The talent development environments in two Scandinavian soccer academies’, Book of Abstract of 3rd World Conference on Science and Soccer, Ghent, 14-16 May 2012: 179.

  21. Weineck J. Specific demands for coordination training in soccer, Book of Abstract of 3rd World Conference on Science and Soccer, Ghent, 14-16 May 2012: 217.

  22. Teunissen JW, Van dr Kamp J, Wels H, Savelsbergh GJP. Is balance performance a key performance indicator for talent identification in soccer?, Book of Abstract of 3rd World Conference on Science and Soccer, Ghent, 14-16 May 2012: 124.

  23. Schon R. Verso un successo multilaterale a lungo termine. Atleticastudi 2010; 3: 54-63.

  24. Fransen J, Philippaerts R, Vaeyens R, Lenoir M. The differences in physical fitness and gross motor coordination between male soccer players aged 6-12 years specializing in soccer versus also sampling other sport , Book of Abstract of 3rd World Conference on Science and Soccer, Ghent, 14-16 May 2012: 120.