Home Fascicolo n.5/2011 Bibliografia
Spalla dolorosa overhead
pubblicato nel Settembre - Ottobre 2011 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.5


  1. Abrams GD, Safran MR. Diagnosis and management of superior labrum anterior posterior lesions in overhead athletes. Br J Sports Med 2010; 44(5): 311-8.

  2. Bennel K, Wee E, Coburn S, Green S et al. Efficacy of standardized manual therapy and home exercise programme for the shoulder: randomized placebo controlled trial. BJM 2010; 340: c2756.

  3. Brandt C, Sole G, Krause MW, Nel M. An evidence-based review on the validity of the Kaltenborn rule as applied to the glenohumeral joint. Manual Therapy 2007; 12(1): 3-11.

  4. Braun S, Kokmeyer D, Millet PJ. Shoulder Injuries in the Throwing Athlete. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2009; 91(4): 966-78.

  5. Burkhart SS, Morgan CD, Kibler WB. The disabled throwing shoulder: spectrum of pathology part I: pathoanatomy and biomechanics. Arthroscopy 2003; 19(4): 404-20.

  6. Burkhart S, Morgan C, Kibler W. The disabled shoulder: spectrum of pathology part III: the SICK scapula, scapular dyskinesis, the kinetic chain, and rehabilitation. Arthroscopy 2003; 19: 641-61.

  7. Camarinos J, Marinko L. Effectiveness of manual physical therapy for painful shoulder conditions: a systematic review. J Man Manip Ther 2009; 17(4): 206-15.

  8. Cools AM, Declercq G, Cagnie B, Cambier D, Witvrouw E. Internal impingement in the tennis player: rehabilitation guidelines. Br J Sports Med 2010; 42 : 165-71.

  9. Cools AM, Dewitte V, Lanszweert F. Rehabilitation of scapular muscle balance: wich exercises to prescribe? Am J Sports Med 2007; 35(10): 1744-51.

  10. Fusco A, Foglia A, Musarra F, Testa M. La spalla nello sportivo. Masson Milano 2005.

  11. Haag JS, Wright AG, Gillette MC, Greany FJ. Effect of Acute Static Stretching of the Throwing Shoulder on Pitching Performance of National Collegiate Athletic Association Division III Baseball Players. J Strength Cond Res 2010; 24(2): 452-7.

  12. Ho KY, Hsu AT. Displacement of the head of humerus while performing “mobilization with movements” in glenohumeral joint: a cadaver study. Man Ther 2008; 14(2): 160-6.

  13. Ho CY, Sole G, Munn J. The effectiveness of manual therapy in the management of musculoskeletal disorders of the shoulder: A systematic review. Man Ther 2009; 14(5): 463-74.

  14. Izumi T, Aoki M Muraki T, Hidaka E, Miyamoto S. Stretching Positions for the Posterior Capsule of the Glenohumeral Joint. Am J Sports Med 2008; 36(10): 2014-22.

  15. Kachingwe AF, Phillips B, Sletten E, Plunkett SW. Comparison of manual therapy techniques with therapeutic exercise in the treatment of shoulder impingement: A randomized controlled pilot clinical trial. J Man Manip Ther 2008; 16: 238-47.

  16. Katalinic OM, Harvey LA, Herbert RD et al. Stretch for the treatment and prevention for contractures, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2010 Issue 9 ArtNo. CD007455. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD007455.pub2.

  17. Kennedy DJ, Visco CJ, Press J. Current Concepts for Shoulder Training in the Overhead Athlete. Curr Sports Med Rep 2009; 8: 154-60.

  18. Kibler WB, Chandler TJ. Range of motion in junior tennis players participating in an injury risk modification program. J Sci Med Sport 2003; 6: 51-62.

  19. Kirchoff C, Imhoff AB. Posterosuperior and anterosuperior impingement of the shoulder in overhead athletes-evolving concepts. International orthopaedics 2010; 34(7): 1049-58.

  20. Kisner C, Colby LA. Therapeutic Exercise. Foundations and technique (5 th edition), F A Davis Co, Philadelphia 2007; IV (17).

  21. Lintner D, Mayol M, Uzodinma O et al. Glenohumeral internal rotation deficits in professional pitchers enrolled in an internal rotation stretching program. Am J Sports Med 2007; 354: 617-21.

  22. Laudner KG, Sipes RC, Wilson JT. The Acute Effects of Sleeper Stretches on Shoulder Range of Motion. J Athl Train 2008; 43(4): 359-63.

  23. Ludewig P, Hoff M, Osowski E. Relative balance of serratus anterior and upper trapezius muscle activity during push-up exercises. Am J Sports Med 2004; 32 (2): 484-93.

  24. Manske RC, Meschke M, Porter A, Smith B, Reiman M. A randomized controller single-blinded comparison of stretching versus stretching and joint mobilization for posterior shoulder tightness measured by IR motion loss. Sports Health 2010; 2: 94-100.

  25. Mc Clure P, Balacuis J, Heiland D et al. A Randomized Controlled Comparison of Stretching Procedures for Posterior Shoulder Tightness. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2007; 37(3): 108-14.

  26. Micheo W. Rehabilitation of Shoulder Injury in The Throwing Athlete. Phys Rehab Med 2008; 20(1): 65-75.

  27. Mulligan B. The painful dysfunctional shoulder. A new treatment approach using “Mobilisation with movement” . New Zealand J Physiother 2003; 31: 140-2.

  28. Muraki T, Aoki M, Uchiyama E, Murakami G, Miyamoto S. The effect of arm position on stretching of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and posterior portion of deltoid muscles. A cadaveric study. Clin Biomech 2006; 21: 474-80.

  29. Teys P, Bisset L, Vicenzino B. The initial effects of a Mulligan’s mobilization withmovement technique on range of movement and pressure pain threshold in pain-limited shoulders. Man Ther 2006; 13: 37-42.

  30. Tucker WS, Armstrong CW, Gribble PA, Timmons MK, Yeasting RA. Scapular Muscle Activity in Overhead Athletes With Symptoms of Secundary Shoulder Impingement During Closed Chain Exercises. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2010; 91(4): 550-6.

  31. Vermeulen HM, Rozing PM, Obermann WR et al. Comparison of high-grade and low-grade mobilization techniques in the management of adhesive capsuliitis of the shoulder: randomized controlled trial. Phys Ther 2006; 86 (3): 355-68.

  32. Wilk KE, Obma PD, Simpson CD, Cain EL et al. Shoulder Injuries in the Overhead Athlete. J. Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2009; 39(2): 38-54.

  33. Wise Mb, Uhl TL, Mattacola CG, Nitz AJ, Kibler WB. The effect of limb support on muscle activation during shoulder exercises. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2004; 13(6): 614-20.