Home Fascicolo n.5/2010 Bibliografia
Fonte concentrata di sostanze nutritive
pubblicato nel Settembre - Ottobre 2010 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.5


  • Antonio J, Stout J R: Sports Supplments 2001 ed. LWW.

  • Biolo G et al. Increased rates of muscle protein turnover and amino acid transport after resistance exercise in humans. Am J Physiol 1995; 268: E514-E520.

  • Carraro F. Whole body and plasma protein synthesis in exercise and recovery in human subjects. Am J Phys 1990; 258: E821.

  • Coggan AR, Coyle EE. Carbohydrate ingestion during prolonged exercise: effects on metabolism and performance. Exerc Sports Sci Rev 1991; 19: 1-40.

  • Costill DL, Kammer WE, Fisher A. Fluid ingestion during distance running. Arch Environ Health 1970; 21: 520-5.

  • Coyle EE, Montain SJ. Carbohydrate and fluid ingestion during exercise: Are there trade-offs? Med Sci Sports Exerc 1992a; 24: 671-8. Coyle EE, Montain SJ. Benefits of fluid replacement with carbohydrate during exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1992b; 24: $324-$330.

  • Coyle EE, Montain SJ. Thermal and cardiovascular responses to fluid replacement during exercise. In: Gisolfi CV, Lamb DR. (eds.) Perspectives in Exercise Science and Sports Medicine. Vol 6: Exercise, Heat, and Thermoregulation. Carmel, IN: Brown & Benchmark, 1993: 179-224.

  • Di Giampietro M, Caldarone G. In: Performance sportiva e reidratazione.

  • Eichna LW, Bean WB, Ashe WE, Nelson N. Performance in relation to environmental temperature. Bull Johns Hopkins Hosp 1945; 76: 25-58.

  • Gambarara, Albini, Chiadini. “A TUTTO SPORT”. Panozzo Editore Rimini 1999.

  • Gibala MJ. Protein Metabolism and Endurance Exercise Sports Med 2007; 37 (4-5): 337-40.

  • Houmard JA, Egan EC, Anderson R, Neufer ED, Chenier TC, Israel RG. Gastric emptying during 1 h of cycling and running at 75% VO2max. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1991; 23: 320-5.

  • Juhn MS. Popular Sports Supplements and Ergogenic Aids. Sports Med 2003; 33(12): 921-39.

  • Koopman R et al. Nutritional Interventions to promote Post-Exercise Muscle Protein Synthesis Sports Med 2007; 37 (10): 895-906.

  • Lemon PWR. Effects of exercise on dietary protein requirements. Int J Sports Nutr 1998; 8: 426-47.

  • McArdle WD, Katch FI, Katch VL. Sport & Exercise Nutrition 2005 ed. LWW.

  • Mitchell JB, Costill DL, Houmard JA, Fink WJ, Robergs RA, Davis JA. Gastric emptying influence of prolonged exercise and carbohydrate concen-tration. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1989; 21: 269-74.

  • Montain SJ, Coyle EE. Fluid ingestion during exercise increases skin blood flow independent of increases in blood volume. J Appl Physiol 1992; 73: 903-10.

  • Montain SJ, Coyle EE. Influence of the timing of fluid ingestion on temperature regulation during exercise. J ApplPhysiol 1993; 75: 688-95.

  • Murray R, Paul GL, Seifert JG, Eddy DE. Responses to varying rates of carbohydrate ingestion during exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1991; 23: 713-8.

  • Noakes TD, Myburgh KH, Du Plessia J, Lang L, Lambert M, Van Der Riet C, Schall R. Metabolic rate, not percent dehydration, predicts rectal tem-perature in marathon runners. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1991a; 23: 443-9.

  • Noakes TD, Rehrer NJ, Maughan RJ. The importance of volume in regulating gastric emptying. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1991b; 23: 307-13. Noakes TD. Fluid replacement during exercise. Exerc Sports Sci Rev 1993; 21: 297-330.

  • Nutrition and athletic performance - Position of the American Dietetic Association, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine J Am Diet Assoc 2000; 100: 1543-56.

  • Rehrer NJ, Beckers EJ, Brouns F et al. Effects of dehydration on gastric emptying and gastrointestinal distress while running. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1990; 22: 790-5.

  • Rasmussen BB et al. An oral essential amino acid-carbohydrate supplement enhances muscle protein anabolism after resistance exercise. J Appl Physiol 2000; 88: 386-92.

  • Rehrer NJ, Brouns F, Beckers EJ et al. Gastric emptying with repeated drinks during running and bicycling. Int J Sports Med 1990; 11: 238-43.

  • Schena F et al. Branched-chain amino acid supplementation during trekking at high altitude: the effects on loss of body mass, body composition and muscle power. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol 1992; 65: 394-8.

  • Scientific Committee on Food on 22/6/2000, corrected by the SCF on 28/2/2001.

  • Tarnopolsky MA et al. Evaluation of protein requirements for trained strength athletes. J Appl Physiol 1992; 73: 1986-95.

  • Wagenmakers AJ. Muscle amino acids metabolism at rest and during exercise: role in human physiology and metabolism. Exerc Sport Sci Rev 1998; 26: 287.