Home Fascicolo n.5/2005 Bibliografia
La paura di volare
pubblicato nel Settembre - Ottobre 2005 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.5


  1. Noel GL, Dimond RC, Earl JM et al. Prolactin, thyrotropin, and growth hormone release during stress associated with parachute jumping. Aviat Space Environ Med 1976; 47 (5): 534-7.

  2. Deroanne R, Cession-Fossion A, Juchmes J et al. Telemetric control of heart adaptation during automatic and free-fall parachute jumps. Aviat Space Environ Med 1975; 46 (2): 128-31.

  3. Falk B, Bar-Eli M. The psycho-physiological response to parachuting among novice and experienced parachutists. Aviat Space Environ Med 1995; 66 (2): 114-7.

  4. Roth WT, Breivik G, Jorgensen PE et al. Activation in novice and expert parachutists while jumping. Phycophysiology 1996; 33 (1): 63-72.

  5. Richter SD, Schürmeyer TH, Schedlowski M et al. Time kinetics of the endocrine response to acute psychological stress. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1996; 81 (5): 1956-60.

  6. Galante J, Hernandez A, Colin L et al. Continuous electrocardiographic recording during a first parachute jump. Arch Inst Cardiol Mex 1988; 58 (4): 325-3.

  7. Dar DE, Weizman A, Karp L et al. Platelet peripheral benzodiazepine receptors in repeated stress. Life Sci 1990; 48: 341-6.

  8. Hoffmann J. Physiological aspect of sport training and performance. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics; 2002.

  9. Wilmore JH, Costill DL. Physiology of sport and exercise. 2 nd ed. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics; 1999.

  10. Droogleever Fortuyn HA, van Broekhoven F, Span PN et al. Effects of PhD examination stress on allopregnanolone and cortisol plasma levels and peripheral benzodiazepine receptor density. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2004; 29(10): 1341-4.

  11. McArdle MD, Katch FI, Katch VL. Fisiologia applicata allo sport. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 1998.

  12. Berne RM, Levi MN. Principi di fisiologia. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 1998.

  13. Borer. Exercise endocrinology. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics; 2003.

  14. Schedlowski M, Wiechert D, Wagner TOF et al. Acute psychological stress increases plasma levels of cortisol, prolactin and TSH. Life Sci 1992; 50: 1201-5.

  15. Armario A, Marti O, Molina T et al. Acute stress markers in humans: response of plasma glucose, cortisol and prolactin to two examinations differing in the anxiety they provoke. Psychoneuroendocrinology 1996; 21(1): 17-24.

Ulteriori riferimenti bibliografici

Freeman M, Kanyicska B, Lerant A et al. Prolactin: structure, function, and regulation of secretion. Physiol Rev 2000; 80: 1523-631.

Odell WD, Vanslager L, Bates RW. Radioimmuoasay of human thyrotropin. In: Hayes RL, Goswitz FA, Murphy BE, eds. Radioisotopes in medicine: in vitro studies. Washington: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission; 1968.