Home Fascicolo n.5/2001 Bibliografia
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pubblicato nel Settembre - Ottobre 2001 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.5


  1. Williams C. ABC of Sports Medicine: Assessment of physical performance. BMJ 1994(16 July); 309: 180-184.

  2. Deutsch E, Deutsch SL, Douglas PS. Exercise training for competitive tennis. Clin Sports Med 1988 (Apr); 7(2): 417-27.

  3. Fox LE, Bowers RW, Foss ML. Metodi di allenamento fisico. In: Fox LE, Bowers RW, Foss ML. Le basi fisiologiche dell’educazione fisica e dello sport. Pensiero Scientifico Ed. 1995; (12):308-47.

  4. Atienza FL, Balaguer I, Garcia-Merita ML. Video modeling and imaging training on performance of tennis service of 9- to 12-year-old children. Percept Mot Skills 1998 (Oct); 87(2): 519-29.

  5. Bouchard LJ, Singer RN. Effects of the Five-step Strategy with videotape modeling on performance of the tennis serve. Percept Mot Skills 1998 (Jun); 86(3 Pt 1): 739-46.

  6. Ellenbecker TS, Roetert EP. Testing isokinetic muscular fatigue of shoulder internal and external rotation in elite junior tennis players. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1999 (May); 29(5): 275-81.

  7. Harvey D. Assessment of the flexibility of elite athletes using the modified Thomas test. Br J Sports Med 1998 (Mar); 32(1): 68-70.

  8. Adelsberg S. The tennis stroke: an EMG analysis of selected muscles with rackets of increasing grip size. Am J Sports Med 1986 (Mar-Apr); 14(2): 139-42.

  9. Sprigings E, Marshall R, Elliott B, Jennings L. A three-dimensional kinematic method for determining the effectiveness of arm segment rotations in producing racquet-head speed. J Biomech 1994 (Mar); 27(3): 245-54.

  10. Mero A, Jaakkola L, Komi PV. Relationships between muscle fibre characteristics and physical performance capacity in trained athletic boys. J Sports Sci 1991 (Summer); 9(2): 161-71.