Home Fascicolo n.4/2010 Bibliografia
Tutta colpa della caviglia
pubblicato nel Luglio - Agosto 2010 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.4


  • Bachmann LM, Kolb E, Koller MT, Steurer J, ter Riet G. Accuracy of Ottawa ankle rules to exclude fractures of the ankle and mid-foot: systematic review. BMJ. 2003; 22; 326 (7386): 417-24.

  • Cerza F, D’Arrigo C, Costici PF. La chirurgia artroscopica della tibio-tarsica. Riv It Biol Med 1999; 19: 199-202.

  • Coughlin MJ. Chronic ankle instability reconstruction using semitendinosis graft. In Ferkel RD (eds) Sports medicine of the foot & ankle AOFAS, Palm Springs 2000: 41-6.

  • Douglas Ivins. Acute Ankle Sprains: An Update. American Academy Physicians. 2006; 74 (10).

  • Fong DT, Hong Y, Chan LK, Yung PS, Chan KM. A systematic review on ankle injury and ankle sprain in sports. Sports Med 2007; 37 (1): 73-94.

  • Handoll HHG, Rowe BH, Quinn KM, de Bie R. Interventions for preventing ankle ligament injuries. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2001, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD000018. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD000018.

  • Ivins D. Acute Ankle Sprain: an update. American Family Physician Web Site 2006; 74 (10): 1714-20.

  • Karlsson J, Sancone M. Management of acute ligament injuries of the ankle. Foot Ankle Clin N Am 2006; 11: 521-30.

  • Kerkhoffs GMMJ, Rowe BH, Assendelft WJ, Kelly K, Strujs PA, van Dijk CN. Immobilisation and functional treatment for acute lateral ankle ligament injuries in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2002; (3): CD003762.

  • Lynch SA, Renstrom PA. Treatment of acute lateral ankle ligament rupture in the athlete. Conservative versus surgical treatment. Sports Med 1999; 27 (1): 61-71.

  • McKay GD, Goldie PA, Payne WR, Oakes BW, Watson L. A prospective study of injuries in basketball: a total profile and comparison by gender and standard of competition, J Sci Med Sport 2001 Jun; 4(2): 196-211.

  • Myerson MS. In Ferkel RD (eds) Sports medicine of the foot & ankle AOFAS, Palm Springs, 2000: 47-50.

  • Oloff LM, Bocko AP, Fanton G. Arthroscopic monopolar radiofrequency thermal stabilization for chronic lateral ankle instability: a preliminary report on 10 cases. Journal Foot-Ankle Surgery 2000; 39: 144-50.

  • Prete F, Ravasio G, Pelle S. Trattamento conservativo dei traumatismi distorsivi minori della caviglia dell'atleta: studio comparativo. Minerva Ortop Traumatol 1998; 49: 85-90.

  • Scranton PE Jr. The acute lateral ankle sprain. In Ferkel RD (eds) Sports medicine of the foot & ankle AOFAS, Palm Springs 2001: 25-9.

  • Tamburrino P, D’Onofrio R, Pintus A. Il bendaggio funzionale nella prevenzione dei traumi distorsivi della tibio tarsica. Analisi della recente letteratura. Notiziario del settore tecnico F.I.G.C. 2001; 3: 46-9.

  • Tol JL, Verheyen CP, van Dijk CN. Arthroscopic treatment of anterior impingement of the ankle. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2001; 83(1): 9-13.

  • Wilkerson GB. Biomechanical and Neuromuscular Effects of Ankle Taping and Bracing. J Athl Train 2002; 37: 436-45.

  • Zoch C, Fialka-Moser V, Quittan M. Rehabilitation of ligamentous ankle injuries: a review of recent studies. Br J Sports Med 2003; 37: 291-5.