Home Fascicolo n.4/2002 Bibliografia
Arti marziali come psicoterapia
pubblicato nel Luglio - Agosto 2002 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.4


  1. Ossicini A. Lo sport è terapia. Roma: Società Stampa Sportiva, 1990.

  2. Antonelli F, Salvini A. Psicologia dello Sport. Roma: Lombardo Editore, 1978.

  3. Antonelli F. Letture di psicologia sportiva. Roma: Ed. Luigi Pozzi, 1987.

  4. Suler JR. Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Eastern Thought. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1993.

  5. Columbus PJ, Rice DL. Psychological research on the martial arts: An addendum to Fuller’s review. Br J Med Psychol 1991; 64: 127-135.

  6. Piaget J. Genetic Epistemology. New York: Columbia University, 1971.

  7. Stern D. The interpersonal world of the infant. New York: Basic Books, 1985.

  8. Fuller RF. Martial arts and psychological health. Br J Med Psychol 1988; 61: 317-28.

  9. Parsons M. Psychoanalysis as vocation and martial art. International Review of Psychoanalysis 1984; 11: 453-62.

  10. Nardi TJ. Bushido: RET of the Samurai. Rational Living 1981; 16(2): 23-27.

  11. Nardi TJ. The tao of counselling. International Journal of Ecletic Psychotherapy 1984; 3(1): 13-17.

  12. Saposnek DT. Aikido: A model for brief and strategic therapy. Family Process 1980; 19: 227-38.

  13. Gleser J, Brown P. Judo principles and Practices: applications to Conflict Solving Strategies in psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychotherapy 1988; 42: 437-47.

  14. Reinhardt CS. Inner power: The integration of Aikido and Feldenkrais Method. In: Heckler RS, ed. Aikido and the New Warrior. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books 1985; 166-77.

  15. Seitz FC, Olson GD, Locke B, Quam R. The Martial Arts and Mental Health: The Challenge of Managing Energy. Percept Mot Skills 1990; 70: 459-64.

  16. Weiser M, Kutz I, Jacobson Kutz S, Weiser D. Psychotherapeutic Aspects of the Martial Arts. Am J Psychother 1995; 49: 1.

  17. Kutz I, Borysenko JZ, Benson H. Meditation and psychotherapy. A rationale for the integration of dynamic psychotherapy, the relaxation response and mindfulness meditation. Am J Psychiatry 1985; 142: 1-8.

  18. Stuart WT, Sacco FC. The Application of Traditional Martial Arts Practice and Theory to the Treatment of Violent Adolescents. Adolescence 1998; 33: 131.

  19. McGowan RW, Pierce EF, Jordan D. Mood Alterations with a Single Buot of Physical Activity. Percept Mot Skills 1991; 72: 1203-09.

  20. Jin P. Changes in Heart Rate, Noradrenaline, Cortisol and Mood During Tai Chi. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 1989; 33: 197-206.

  21. Jin P. Efficacy of Tai Chi, Brisk Walking, Meditation, and Reading on Reducing Mental and Emotional Stress. J Psychosom Res 1992; 36: 361-70.

  22. Reiter H. A Note on the Relationship Between Anxiety and Karate Participation. Mankind Quarterly 1975; 16: 127-28.

  23. Layton C. Anxiety in black-belt and non black-belt traditional karateka. Percept Mot Skills 1990; 71: 905-06.

  24. Kurian M, Caterino LC, Kulhavy RW. Personality Characteristics and Duration of ATA taekwondo Training. Percep Mot Skills 1993; 76: 363-36.

  25. Rothpearl A. Personality Traits in martial Artists: A Descriptive Approach. Percept Mot Skills 1980; 50: 395-401.

  26. Nosanchuk TA. The Way of Warrior: The effects of traditional martial arts training on aggressiveness. Human Relations 1981; 34: 435-44.

  27. Nosanchuk TA, MacNeil MLC. Examination of the effects of the traditional and modern martial arts on aggressiveness. Aggressive Behaviour 1989; 15: 153-59.

  28. Skelton DL, Glynn MA, Berta SM. Aggressive Behaviour as a Function of Tae kwon Do Ranking. Percept Mot Skills 1991; 72: 179-82.

  29. Daniels K, Thornton EW. An Analysis of the Relationship Between Hostility and Training in the Martial Arts. J Sport Sci 1990; 8: 95-101.

  30. Daniels K, Thornton EW. Lenght of Training, Hostility and the Martial Arts: A comparison with Other Sporting Groups. Br J Sports Med 1992; 26: 118-20.

  31. Layton C. The personality of black-belt and non black–belt karateka. Percept Mot Skills 1988; 67: 218.

  32. Duthie RB, Hope L, Barker DG. Selected Personality Traits of martial Arts as Measured by the Adjective Checklist. Percept Mot Skills 1978; 47: 71-76.

  33. Konzak B, Bourdeau F. Martial Arts Training and Mental Health: an Exercise in Self-Help. Canada’s Mental Health 1984; 32: 2-8.

  34. Kurian M, Verdi MP, Caterino LC, Kulhavy RW. Relating scales on the Children’s Personality Questionnaire to training time and belt rank in ATA taekwondo. Percept Mot Skills 1994; 79(2): 904-06.

  35. Richman CL, Rehberg H. The Development of Self-Esteem Through the Martial Arts. International Journal of Sport Psychology 1986; 17: 234-39.

  36. Brown DR, Wang Y, Ward A, Ebbeling CB, Fortlage L, Puleo E et al. Chronic Psychological Effects of Exercise and Exercise Plus Cognitive Strategies. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1995; 27: 765-75.

  37. Madden ME. Attributions of control and vulnerability at the beginning and end of a karate course. Percept Mot Skills 1990; 70: 787-94.

  38. Spear RK. Military Physical and Psychological Conditioning: Comparisons of Four Physical Training Systems. Journal of the International Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation 1989; 25: 30-32.

  39. Finkenberg ME. Effect of Partecipation in Tae kwon do on College Women’s Self-Concept. Percept Mot Skills 1990; 71: 237-48.

  40. Foster YA. Brief Aikido Training Versus Karate and Golf Training and University Students’ Scores on Self-Esteem, anxiety, and Expression of Anger. Percept Mot Skills 1997; 84: 609-10.

  41. Guthrie SR. Defending the Self-Martial Arts and Women’s Self Esteem. Women in Sport and Phisical Activity Journal 1997; 6: 1-28.

  42. Davis B, Byrd RJ. Effects of Judo on the Educable Mentally Retarded. J Sports Med 1975; 15: 337-41.

  43. Gleser JM, Margulkies JY, Nyska M, Porat S, Mendelberg H. Physical and Psychosocial Benefits of Modified Judo Practice for Blind, Mentally Retarded Children: A Pilot Study. Percept Mot Skills 1992; 74: 915-25.

  44. Madenlian RB. An Experimental Study of the Effect of Aikido Training on the Self-Concept of adolescents with Behavioural Problems. Dissertation Abstracts International 1979; 40A: 760-761.

  45. Gonzalez MB. The Effects of Martial Arts Training on the Cognitive, Emotional, and Behavioural Functioning of Latency-Age Youth: Implications for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency. ProQuest Abstracts AAC 9008022, 1989.

  46. Edelman AJ. The Implementation of a Video-Enhanced Aikido-Based School Violence Prevention Training Program to Reduce Disruptive and Assaultive Behaviours Among Severely Emotionally Disturbed Adolescent. ERIC Document Reproduction Service N. ED384187, 1994.

  47. Trulson ME. Martial Arts Training: A Novel “Cure” for Juvenile Delinquency. Human Relations 1986; 39: 1131-40.

  48. Rossato G. Arti marziali: oltre la tecnica. Padova: Arte Stampa, 1994.

  49. Jasnoski ML, Corday DS, Houston BK, Osness WH. Modification of Type A Behaviour Through Aerobic Exercise. Motivation and Emotion 1987; 11: 1-17.

  50. Teeguarden IM et al. A complete guide to acupressure. Tokio and New York: Japan Publications Inc, 1996.

  51. Capra F. The Tao of Physics. Berkeley: Shambala, 1975 (Ed. it.: Il Tao della fisica. Milano: Adelphi, 1982).

  52. Blinde EM, McClung LR. Enhancing the physical and social self through recreational activity: Accounts of individuals with physical disabilities. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly 1997; 14: 327-344.

  53. Slater J, Hunt HT. Postural-vestibular integration and form of dreaming: a preliminary report of the effects of brief t’ai chi chuan training. Percept Mot Skills. 1997; 85: 97-98.