Home Fascicolo n.3/2013 Bibliografia
Preparazione atletica
Riduzione del rischio di infortunio: preparazione atletica finalizzata
pubblicato nel Maggio - Giugno 2013 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.3


  1. Broich H, de Mrees M, Behringer M, Mester J. Health and performance management in èlite soccer. Book of Abstract of 3rd World Conference in Science and Soccer, 14-16 May, Ghent; 58: 2012.

  2. Impellizzeri FM, Junge A, Dvorak J, Bizzini M. Physiological and performance effect of the F-Marc 11+ prevention program: acute and chronic responses, Book of Abstract of 3rd World Conference in Science and Soccer, 14-16 May, Ghent; 47: 2012.

  3. Witvrouw E, Danneels L, Asselman P, D’Have T, Cambier D. Muscle flexibility as a risk factor for developing muscle injuries in male professional soccer players. A prospective study. Am J Sports Med 2003; 31(1): 41-6.

  4. Junge A, Dvorak J. Soccer injuries. A review on incidence and prevention. Sports Med 2004; 13: 929-38.

  5. Junge A, Dvorak J, Chomiak J, Peterson L. Incidence and risk factors of football (soccer) injuries. J Sport Sciences 2001; 19: 583-4.

  6. Junge A, Cheung K, Edwards T, Dvorak J. Injuries in youth amateur soccer and rugby players—comparison of incidence and characteristics. Br J Sports Med 2004; 38: 168-172.

  7. Junge A, Dvorak J, Graf-Baumann T, Peterson L. Football injuries during FIFA tournaments and the Olympic games, 1998–2001. Am J Sports Med 2004; 1: S80-9.

  8. Junge A, Dvorak J, Graf-Baumann T. Football injuries during the World Cup 2002. Am J Sports Med 2004; 1: S23-7.

  9. Knowles SB, Marshall SW, Guskiewicz KM. Issues in estimating risks and rates in sports injury research. Journal of Athletic Training 2006; 41: 207-15.

  10. Bahr R, Holme I. Risk factors for sports injuries—a methodological approach 2003; Br J Sports Med 2003; 37: 384-92.

  11. Mallo J, Dellal A. Injury risk in professional football players with special reference to the playing position and training periodization. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2012; 52(6): 631-8.

  12. Walden M, Hagglund M, Ekstrand J. UEFA Champions League study: a prospective study of injuries in professional football during the 2001-2002 season. Br J Sports Med 2005; 39: 542-6.

  13. Theisen D, Agostinis H, Frisch A, et al. Training and injury prevention platform for sports. Book of Abstract of 3rd World Conference in Science and Soccer, 14-16 May, Ghent; 2012: 172.