Home Fascicolo n.3/2021 Bibliografia
Crampi muscolari negli sportivi Cause, rimedi & prevenzione
pubblicato nel Luglio - Settembre 2021 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.3


  1. Schwellnus MP, Drew N, Collins M. Muscle cramping in athletes--risk factors, clinical assessment, and management. Clin Sports Med. 2008;27(1):183-94.
  2. Miller KC, Mack GW, Knight KL. Gastric emptying after pickle-juice ingestion in rested, euhydrated humans. J Athl Train. 2010; 45(6):601-8.
  3. Troyer W, Render A, Jayanthi N. Exercise-associated muscle cramps in the tennis player. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2020;(5):612-21.
  4. Nelson NL, James R, Churilla JR. A narrative review of exercise‐associated muscle cramps: Factors that contribute to neuromuscular fatigue and management implications. Muscle Nerve. 2016;54(2):177-85.
  5. Giuriato G, Pedrinolla A, Schena F, Venturelli M. Muscle cramps: A comparison of the two-leading hypothesis. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2018;41:89-95.
  6. Qiu J, Kang J. Exercise associated muscle cramps: a current perspective. Qiu and Kang. Arch Sports Med. 2017;1(1):3-14.
  7. Schwellnus MP. Muscle cramping in the marathon: aetiology and risk factors. Sports Med. 2007;37(4-5):364-7.
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  9. Schwellnus MP, Derman EW, Noakes TD. Aetology of skeletal muscle ‘cramps’ during exercise: A novel hypothesis. J Sports Sci. 1997;15(3):277-85.
  10. Jung AP. Exercise-associated muscle cramps and functional return to sport. Athletic Therapy Today. 2006;11(1):48-50.
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  12. Maughan R, Shirreffs SM. Muscle cramping during exercise: causes, solutions and questions remaining. Sports Medicine. 2019 Nov 6;Online First.
  13. Nakagawa K, Miyamoto N, Kanosue K. Neural mechanisms of muscle cramp. Sports Performance 2015; 79-90.
  14. Schwellnus MP. Serum electrolytes in ironman triathletes with exercise-associated muscle cramping. Med Science Sport Exerc 2005;37(7):1081-5. Stone M, Edwards J, Stemmans C, et al. Certified athletic trainers’ perceptions of exercise associated muscle cramps. J Sport Rehabil. 2003;12(4):333-42.
  15. Bergeron M. Muscle cramps during exercise: is it fatigue or electrolyte deficit? Curr Sports Med Rep. 2008;7:S50-5.
  16. Bergeron M. Heat cramps during tennis: a case report. Int J Sport Nutr. 1996;6:62-8.
  17. Maquirriain J, Merello M. The athlete with muscular cramps: clinical approach. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2007;15(7):425-31.
  18. Casa DJ, Armstrong LE, Hillman SK, et al. National athletic trainers' association position statement: fluid replacement for athletes. J Athl Train. 2000;35(2):212-24.
  19. Chimera NJ, Swanik KA, Swanik CB, Straub SJ. Effects of plyometric training on muscle-activation strategies and performance in female athletes. J Athl Train. 2004;39(1):24-31.
  20. Ellenbecker TS Davies GJ, Bleacher J. Proprioception and neuromuscular control. In: Andrews J, Harrelson G, Wilk K (eds). Physical rehabilitation of the injured athlete. Saunder, 2011; pp.524-47.
  21. Vist GE, Maughan RJ. The effect of osmolality and carbohydrate content on the rate of gastric emptying of liquids in man. J Physiol. 1995;486 (Pt 2)(Pt 2):523-31.
  22. Craighead DH, Shank SW, Gottschall JS, et al. Ingestion of transient receptor potential channel agonists attenuates exercise-induced muscle cramps”. Muscle Nerve. 2017
  23. Murphy PM, Murphy CA. Hyperventilation as a simple cure for severe exercise-associated muscle cramping. Pain Med. 2011;12:987.