Home Fascicolo n.2/2003 Bibliografia
Attività motoria e obesità
pubblicato nel Marzo - Aprile 2003 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.2


  1. Terzo rapporto sull’obesità in Italia. Milano: Franco Angeli; 2001: 15-6, 31-2, 47-9, 65-76, 180-200.

  2. Bertocco P, Montesano A. Indirizzi terapeutici nelle complicanze osteoarticolari dell’obesità. Udine: Pubblicazioni Medico Scientifiche; 1999.

  3. Bertocco P, Montesano A. Obesità e riabilitazione. Il Fisioterapista 1999; 1: 47-54.

  4. Bosello O. Obesità: un trattamento multidimensionale. Milano: Ed. Kurtis; 1998.

  5. Cunningham JJ. Body composition as a determinant of energy expenditure: a synthetic review and a proposed general prediction equation. Am J Clin Nutr 1991; 54: 963-9.

  6. Kahn BB, Flier JS. Obesity and insulin resistance. J Clin Invest 2000; 106: 473-81.

  7. Lew EA, Garfinkel C. Variations in mortality by weight among 750,000 men and woman. J Chronic Dis 1979; 32: 563-76.

  8. Sartorio A, Conte G, Silvestri G, Tibaldi A, Parisio C, Vismara L et al. Aerobic and anaerobic performance before and after weight loss in morbid obesity. 10 th European Congress Obesity; 2000; Antwerp.

  9. Klinger R. Dietary treatment of superobesity: difficulties and limits. Convegno Obesità e Sport; 1995.

  10. Montesano A, Parisio C. Attività fisica nel grande obeso. Lavoro aerobico e posturale. Effetti a lungo termine. Congresso Nazionale LANDID; 1999; Rimini.

  11. Arcelli E, Impellizzeri F, Sassi A, Morelli A, La Torre F. Metabolismo lipidico e allenamento. SDS Rivista di cultura sportiva 1999; 18(45-46): 50-6.

  12. Doucet E, Tremblay A. Food intake, energy balance and body weight control. Eur J Clin Nutr 1997; 51(12): 846- 55.

  13. Bisciotti GN. Teoria e metodologia del movimento umano. Biomeccanica e bioenergetica muscolare. Ancona: Teknosport Libri; 2000.

  14. Vismara L, Bertocco A, Montesano A, Baccalaro G, Nano G, Parisio C. Riabilitazione segmentaria e posturale nella grave obesità: esperienza su 328 pazienti affetti da “Low Back Pain”. Europa Medicophysica 2001; 37(3) Suppl 1.

  15. Hoie LH, Bruusgaard D, Thom E. Reduction of body mass and change in body composition on very low calorie diet. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1993: 17(1): 17-20.

  16. Arcelli E. Running and weight loss. Atti del Convegno Obesità e Sport; 1995 marzo 18-19; St.Vincent.

  17. Goran MI. Energy metabolism and obesity. Med Clin North Am 2000; 84(2): 347-62.

  18. Sheehan MT, Jensen MD. Metabolic complications of obesity. Med Clin North Am 2000; 84(2): 363-85.

  19. Lebouef C. Body weight and low back pain. A systematic literature review of 56 journal articles reporting on 65 epidemiological studies. Spine 1999; 25(2): 226-37.

  20. Galli M, Crivellini M, Sibella F, Montesano A, Bertocco P, Parisio C. Sit-to-stand movement analysis in obese subjects. Int J Obesity 2000; 24: 1488-92.

  21. Long-term pharmacotherapy in the management of obesity. National task force on the prevention and treatment of obesity. JAMA 1996; 276: 1907-15.

  22. Kiens B. Effect of endurance training on fatty acid metabolism: local adaptations. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1997; 29(5): 640-5.

  23. Martin WH. Effect of acute and chronic exercise on fat metabolism. Exerc Sports Sci Rev 1995; 24: 203-31.

  24. Pronk NP, Tan AW, O’Connor P. Obesity, fitness, willingness to communicate and health care costs. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1999; 31(11): 1535-43.

  25. Nindl BC, Harman EA, Marx JO et al. Regional body composition changes in woman after 6 month of periodized physical training. J Appl Physiol 2000; 88(6): 2251-9.

  26. Ranallo RF, Rhodes EC. Lipid metabolism during rxercise. Sports Med 1998; 26(1): 29-42.

  27. Foster GD, McGuckin BG. Estimating resting energy expenditure in obesity. Obes Res 2001; 9 Suppl 5: 367S-372S; discussion 373S-374S. Review.

  28. Bertocco P, Vismara L, Montesano A, Parisio C, Baccalaro G. Valutazione isocinetica del deficit di forza muscolare dei pazienti affetti da obesità. Analisi quantitativi a livello del ginocchio. Atti del XXX Congresso Nazionale SIMFER; 2002 settembre 24-28; Reggio Emilia.

  29. Bertocco P, Baccalaro G, Montesano A, Vismara L, Parisio C, Galli M. The analysis of sit-to-stand movement in obese and normal subjects. Biomechanic evaluation and postural changes between groups. Europa Medicophysica 2002; 38(3).

  30. Gauvin L, Rejeski WJ, Norris JL. A naturalistic study of the impact of acute physical activity on feeling states and affect in women. Health Psychol 1996; 15: 391-7.

  31. Gilmann MW, Pinto BM, Tennstedt S, Glanz K, Marcus B, Friedman RH. Relationships of physical activity with dietary behaviors among adults. Prev Med 2001; 32: 295-301.

  32. Jakicic JM, Wing RR, Winters-Hart C. Relationship of physical activity to eating behaviors and weight loss in women. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2002; 34(10): 1653-9.

  33. Byrne NM, Hills AP. Relationships between HR and VO2 in the obese. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2002; 34(9): 1419-27.

  34. Mc Ardle WD, Katch FI, Katch VL. Fisiologia applicata allo sport. Milano: Casa Editrice Ambrosiana; 1998.