Home Fascicolo n.2/1999 Bibliografia
Un axel in mente
pubblicato nel Marzo - Aprile 1999 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.2


1) Robazza C., Bortoli L.: La preparazione mentale nel tiro con l’arco . Sds, Rivista di cultura sportiva, 31: 40-46, 1994.

2) Caprara G.V., Accursio G.: Psicologia della personalità e delle differenze individuali . Il Mulino, Bologna, 1987.

3) Singer R.: Motor learning and human performance . Mac Millan, New York, 1980.

4) Corbin C.B., Mental Practice . Morgan W.P. (ed), Ergogenic aids and muscolar performance . New York Accademic Press, 1972.

5) Suinn R.M.: Psychological Techniques for Individual Performance: Imagery . Singer R.N., Murphy M., Tennant L.K. (eds), Mac Millan Publishing Company, New York, 1983.

6) Weinberg R.S., Seabourne T.G., Jackson A.: Effects of visuomotor behavior rehearsal, relaxation and imagery on karate performance . Journal of Sport Psychology, 3: 228-238, 1981.

7) Feltz D.L., Landers D.M.: The effects of mental practice on motor skill learning and performance: A meta-analysis . Journal of Sport Psychology, 5: 25-37, 1983.

8) Frester R.: L’allenamento ideomotorio . Sds, Rivista di cultura sportiva, 1: 7-9, 1985.

9) Cei A.: Mental Training. Guida pratica all’allenamento psicologico dell’atleta . Pozzi, Roma, 1987.

10) Yue G., Cole K.: Strenght increases from the motor program: comparison of training with maximal voluntary and imagined muscle contractions . Journal of neurophisiology, 67: 1114-1120, 1992.

11) Odone L.: Esperienza di mental training con un gruppo di ginnaste . Movimento, 9: 63-64, 1993.

12) Decety J.: Mapping motor representations with positron emission tomography . Nature, 371, 1994.

13) Terreni L., Occhini L.: Psicologia dello sport. Aspetti sociali e psicopatologici. Valutazione e programma di intervento . Guerini Scientifica, Milano, 1997.

14) Hecker J.E., Kaczor L.M.: Application of imagery theory to Sport Psychology: some preliminary findings . Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 10: 363-373, 1988.

15) Bandler R., Grinder J.: La metamorfosi terapeutica. Principi di programmazione neurolinguistica. Astrolabio-Ubaldini, Roma, 1980.

16) Jacobson E.: Electrical measurement of neuromuscular states during mental activities . VI note on mental activities concerning an amputated limb. America Journal of Physiology, 43: 122-125, 1983.

17) Martin A.: La preparazione mentale nel tiro con l’arco . Movimento, n. 2, 1993.

18) Schubert F.: Psychology from start to finish. SBP, Toronto, 1986.

19) Haase H., Hansel F.: Metodi psicologici ed incremento della prestazione sportiva . Sds, Rivista di cultura sportiva, 33: 58-67, 1995.

20) Schmid A., Paper E.: Tecniques for training concentration. Williams J.M. (ed), Applied Sport psychology: personal growth to peak performance. Palo Alto. CA: Mayfield, 1986.

Ulteriori approfondimenti

· Antonelli F.: La valutazione psicologica dell’atleta . Leonardo, Roma, 1964.

· Carpenter W.B.: Principles of mental Physiology (4th ed). Appleton, New York, 1984.

· Harris D.V., Robinson W.J.: The effects of skill level on EMG activity during internal and external imagery. Journal of Sport Psychology, 8: 105-111, 1986.

· Jensen P.: The skater’s inside edge: Mental fitness for figure skaters . Coaching Inc., Rockwood, 1992.

· Moormann P.P.: Figure Skating Performance. A psychological study ., 1994.

· Nofri C.: Linguaggio e Mental Imagery . Métis, Chieti, 1991.