Home Fascicolo n.2/2017 Bibliografia
Lussazioni di spalla: lesioni della cuffia dei rotatori
pubblicato nel Aprile - Giugno 2017 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.2


  1. Bahk M, Keyurapan E, Tasaki A. Laxity testing of the shoulder: a review. Am J Sports Med 2007; 35: 131-44.
  2. Kelkar R, Wang VM, Flatow EL. Glenohumeral mechanics: a study of articular geometry, contact and kinematics. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2001; 10: 73-84.
  3. Lee SB, Kim KJ, O’Driscoll SW. Dynamic glenohumeral stability provided by the rotator cuff muscles in the mid-range and end-range of motion: a study in cadaver. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2000; 82: 849-57.
  4. Pevny T, Hunter RE. Primary traumatic anterior dislocation in patients 40 years of age and older. Arthroscopy 1998; 14: 289-94.
  5. Gomberawalla MM, Sekyya JK. Rotator cuff tear and glenohumeral instability. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2014; 472: 2448-56.
  6. Shah AS, Karadsheh Ms. Failure of operative treatment for glenohumeral instability: etiology and management. Arthroscopy 2011; 27: 681-94.
  7. Loew M, Thomsen M. Injury pattern in shoulder dislocation in the elderly patient. Unfallchirurg 2001; 104: 115-8.