Home Fascicolo n.6/2012 Bibliografia
Allenamento sensomotorio per il calcio a 5
pubblicato nel Novembre - Dicembre 2012 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.6


  1. Sherrington CS. On the anatomical constitution of nerves of skeletal muscles; with remarks on recurrent fibres in the ventral spinal nerve-root. J Physiol 1984; 17(3-4): 210.2-258.

  2. Bellomo RG, Iodice P, Savoia V et al. Balance and posture in the enderly: an analysis of a sensorimotor rehabilitation protocol. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol 2009; 22 (3S): 37-44.

  3. Dekel Y et al. An explanatory studio on the relationship between the postural deformities and body-image and self-esteem in adolescent: the mediating role of physical activity. Int J Sport Phychol 1996; 27: 183-96.

  4. Taube W, Gruber M, Gollhofer A. Spinal and supraspinal adaptations associated with balance training and their functional relevance. Acta Physiol (Oxf) . 2008 Jun; 193(2): 101-16.

  5. Dai B, Herman D, Liu H, Garrett WE, Yu B. Prevention of ACL injury, part I: injury characteristics, risk factors, and loading mechanism. Res Sports Med 2012 Jul; 20(3-4): 180-97.

Ulteriori approfondimenti

  • Collins JJ, De Luca CJ. Open-loop and closed-loop control of posture: a random-walk analysis of center of pressure trajectories. Exp Brain res 1993; 95: 308-18.

  • Flor H, Diers M. Sensorimotor training and cortical reorganization. NeuroRehabilitation . 2009; 25(1): 19-27.

  • Esteky H, Schwark H. Responses of rapidly adapting neurons in cat primary somatosensory cortex to constant-velocity mechanical stimulation. J Neurophysiol 1994; 72: 2269-79.

  • Jacks A, Prochazka A, Trend PSJ. Instability in human forearm movements studied with feed-back-controlled electrical stimulation of muscles. J Physiol 1988; 402: 443-61.

  • Kavounodias A, Gilhodes JC, Roll R, Roll JO. From Balance regulation to body orientation: Two goals from muscles and proprioceptive information processing? Exp. Brain res 1999; 124: 80-8.

  • Lacour M, Barthelemy J,Borel J et al. Sensory strategies in human postural control before unilateral vestibular neurotomy. Exp Brain Res 1997; 115: 300-10.

  • Morasso PG, Baratto L, Capra R, Spada G. Internal models in the control of posture. Neural Networks 1999; 12: 1173-1180.

  • Peterka RJ. Sensorimotor integration in human and postural control. J Neurophysiol 2002; 88: 1097-118.

  • Schöner G. Dynamic theory of action-perception patterns: “The moving room” paradigm. Biol Cybern 1991; 64(6): 455-62.