Home Fascicolo n.6/1987 Bibliografia
Nylon, budello e... terra rossa
pubblicato nel Novembre - Dicembre 1987 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.6


Brody H.: Physics of the tennis racquet . Am. J. Physics 6: 482-487, 1979.

Elliot B.C.: Tennis: the influence of grip tightness on reaction impulse and rebound velocity . Med. Sci. Sports Exercise 14:348352, 1982

Groppel J.L., Shin I., Spotts J. e Hill B.: Effects of different string tension patterns and racquet motion on tennis racket-ball impact . Int. J. Sports Biomech. 3:142-158, 1987.

Groppel J.L., Shin I., Thomas J.A. e Welk G.L.: The effects of string type and tension on impact in midsized and oversized tennis racquets . Int. J. Sports Biomech. 3:40-46, 1987

Gruetter D.E. e Davis T.M.: Oversized vs. standard racquets; does it really make a difference? Res. Q. 56:31-36, 1985