Home Fascicolo n.5/2004 Bibliografia
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pubblicato nel Settembre - Ottobre 2004 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.5


  1. Hawley JA, Burke LM. Peak performance: training and nutritional strategies for sport. Sydney: Allen and Unwin; 1998.

  2. Sherman WM, Brodowicz G, Wright DA, Allen WK, Simonsen J, Dernbach A. Effects of 4h pre-exercise carbohydrate feedings on cycling performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1989; 21(5): 598-604.

  3. Bacharach DW, von Duvillard SP, Rundell KW et al. Carbohydrate drinks and cycling performance. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 1994; 34(2): 161-8.

  4. Coyle EF, Coggan AR, Hemmert MK, Ivy JL. Muscle glycogen utilization during prolonged strenuous exercise when fed carbohydrate. J Appl Physiol 1986; 61(1): 165-72.

  5. Hawley JA, Dennis SC, Noakes TD. Carbohydrate, fluid, and electrolyte requirements of the soccer player: a review. Int J Sports Med 1994; 4(3): 221-36.

  6. Lugo M, Sherman WM, Wimer GS, Garleb K. Metabolic responses when different form of carbohydrate energy are consumed during cycling. Int J Sports Nutr 1993; 3(4): 398-407.

  7. Mason WL, McConell G, Hargreaves M. Carbohydrate ingestion during exercise: liquid vs solid feeding. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1993; 25(8): 966-9.

  8. Yaspelkis BB 3 rd , Patterson JG, Anderla PA, Ding Z, Ivy JL. Carbohydrate supplementation spares muscle glycogen during variable intensity exercise. J Appl Physiol 1993; 75(4): 1477-85.

  9. Cox GR, Broad EM, Riley MD, Burke LM. Body mass changes and voluntary fluid intakes of elite level water polo players and swimmers. J Sci Med Sport 2002; 5(3): 183-93.

  10. Soler R, Echegaray M, Rivera MA. Thermal responses and body fluid balance of competitive male swimmers during a training session. J Strength Cond Res 2003; 17(2): 362-7.

  11. Burke LM, Collier GR, Hargreaves M. Muscle glycogen storage after prolonged exercise: effect of the glycemic index on carbohydrate feedings. J Appl Physiol 1993; 75(2): 1019-23.

  12. Coyle EF. Timing and method of increased carbohydrate intake to cope with heavy training, competition and recovery. J Sports Sci 1991; 9: 29-51.