Home Fascicolo n.2/2015 Bibliografia
Sportivi e felici
pubblicato nel Marzo - Aprile 2015 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.2


  1. Palisano RJ, Walter SD, Russell DJ, et al. Gross motor function of children with down syndrome: creation of motor growth curves. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2001; 82(4): 494-500.
  2. Malak R, Kotwicka M, Krawczyk-Wasielewska A, Mojs E, Samborski W. Motor skills, cognitive development and balance functions of children with Down syndrome. Ann Agric Environ Med 2013; 20(4): 803-6.
  3. Spanò M, Mercuri E, Randò T,et al. Motor and perceptual-motor competence in children with Down syndrome: variation in performance with age. Eur J Paediatr Neurol 1999; 3(1): 7-13.
  4. Van Gameren-Oosterom HB, van Dommelen P, Schönbeck Y, Oudesluys-Murphy AM, van Wouwe JP, Buitendijk SE. Prevalence of overweight in Dutch children with Down syndrome. Pediatrics 2012; 130(6): e1520-6.
  5. Weijerman ME, de Winter JP. Clinical practice. The care of children with Down syndrome.Eur J Pediatr 2010; 169(12): 1445-52.
  6. Vicari S. Motor development and neuropsychological patterns in persons with Down syndrome. Behav Genet 2006; 36(3): 355-64.
  7. Pinter JD, Eliez S, Schmitt JE, Capone GT, Reiss AL. Neuroanatomy of Down's syndrome: a high-resolution MRI study. Am J Psychiatry 2001; 158(10): 1659-65.
  8. Dewey D, Kaplan BJ, Crawford SG, Wilson BN. Developmental coordination disorder: associated problems in attention, learning, and psychosocial adjustment. Hum Mov Sci 2002; 21(5-6): 905-18.
  9. Watemberg N, Waiserberg N, Zuk L, Lerman-Sagie T. Developmental coordination disorder in children with attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder and physical therapy intervention. Dev Med Child Neurol 2007; 49(12): 920-5.
  10. Ekstein S, Glick B, Weill M, Kay B, Berger I. Down syndrome and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). J Child Neurol 2011; 26(10): 1290-5.
  11. Cornish K, Scerif G, Karmiloff-Smith A. Tracing syndrome-specific trajectories of attention across the lifespan. Cortex 2007; 43(6): 672-85.
  12. Breckenridge K, Braddick O, Anker S, Woodhouse M, Atkinson J. Attention in Williams syndrome and Down's syndrome: performance on the new early childhood attention battery. Br J Dev Psychol 2013; 31(Pt 2): 257-69.
  13. Di Nuovo S. Attenzione e concentrazione. Trento: Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson, 2013.
  14. Kiphard EJ, Shilling F. Korperkoordinations test für kinder. Göttingen: Beltz-Test, 2007.
  15. Barnett LM, Van Beurden E, Morgan PJ, Brooks LO, Beard JR. Does childhood motor skill proficiency predict adolescent fitness? Med Sci Sports Exerc 2008; 40(12): 2137-44.
  16. Graf C, Koch B, Kretschmann-Kandel E, et al. Correlation between BMI, leisure habits and motor abilities in childhood (CHILT-project). Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2004; 28(1): 22-6.
  17. Vandendriessche JB, Vandorpe B, Coelho-e-Silva MJ, et al. Multivariate association among morphology, fitness, and motor coordination characteristics in boys age 7 to 11. Pediatr Exerc Sci 2011; 23(4): 504-20.
  18. Graf C, Koch B, Kretschmann-Kandel E, et al. Correlation between BMI, leisure habits and motor abilities in childhood (CHILT-project). Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 2004; 28(1): 22-6.
  19. Wrotniak BH, Epstein LH, Dorn JM, Jones KE, Kondilis VA. The relationship between motor proficiency and physical activity in children. Pediatrics 2006; 118(6): e1758-65.
  20. Skinner RA, Piek JP. Psychosocial implications of poor motor coordination in children and adolescents. Hum Mov Sci 2001; 20(1-2): 73-94.
  21. Di Nuovo S (a cura di). La valutazione dell’attenzione. Dalla ricerca sperimentale ai contesti applicativi. 1a edizione. Milano: Franco Angeli Editore, 2006.
  22. Shalev RS, Auerbach J, Gross-Tsur V. Developmental dyscalculia behavioral and attentional aspects: a research note. J Child Psychol Psychiatry 1995; 36(7): 1261-8.
  23. Commodari E, Guarnera M. Attention and reading skills. Percept Mot Skills 2005; 100(2): 375-86.