Home Fascicolo n.2/2006 Bibliografia
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pubblicato nel Marzo - Aprile 2006 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.2


  1. Heit EJ Lephar SM. The effect of ankle bracing and taping on joint position sense in the sable ankle. J Sport Rehabil 1996; 5: 206-13.

  2. Alt W, Lohrer H, Gollhofer A. Functional properties of adhesive ankle taping: neuromuscular and mechanical effects before and after exercise. Foot Ankle Int 1999; 20(4): 238-45.

  3. Firer P. Effectiveness of taping for the prevention of ankle ligament sprains. Br J Sport Med. 1990; 24 (1): 47-50.

  4. McCaw ST, Cerullo JF. Prophylactic ankle stabilizers affect ankle joint kinematics during drop landings. Med Sci Sports Exerc 1999; 31(5): 702-7.

  5. Chung-Hwi Yi, Denis Brunt. Effect of ankle taping and exercise on EMG and Kinetics during landing. J Phys Ther Sci 2003; 15: 81-5.

  6. Hals TM, Sitler MR, Mattacola CG. Effect of a semi-rigid ankle stabilizer on performance in persons with functional ankle instability. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2000; 30: 552-6.

  7. Ottaviani R, Ashton-Miller J. Inversion and eversion strenghts in the weightbearing ankle of young women. Effects of plantar flexion and basketball shoe height. Am J Sports Med 2001; 29(2): 219-25.

  8. Paris DL. The effects of the Swede-O, New Cross, and McDavid ankle braces and adhesive ankle taping on speed, balance, agility, and vertical jump. J Athl Train 1992; 27: 253-6.

  9. Macpherson K, Sitler M, Kimura I et al. Effects of a semirigid and softshell prophylactic ankle stabilizer on selected performance tests among high school football players. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1995; 21: 147-52.

  10. MacKay GD, Goldie PA. Ankle injuries in basketball: injury rate and risk factors. Br J Sport Med 2001; 35: 103-8.

  11. D’Onofrio R. Monitoraggio isocinetico della forza degli eversori inversori della caviglia: studio comparativo in relazione a due diverse forme di protezione di uso frequente nel basket come trattamento dei traumi distorsivi della tibio tarsica. Tesi finale del Corso per Preparatori fisici del basket FIP. Roma, 23 giugno 2003.

  12. Verbrugge JD. The effects of semirigid Air-Stirrup bracing vs. adhesive taping on motor performance. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1996; 23: 320-5.

  13. Burks RT, Bean BG, Marcus R, Barker HB. Analysis of athletic performance with prophylactic ankle devices. Am J Sports Med 1991; 19: 104-6.

  14. Guskiewicz KM, Riemann BL, Onate JA. Comparison of 3 methods of external support for management of acute lateral ankle sprains. J Athl Train 1999; 34: 5-10.

  15. Wilkerson GB, Horn-Kingery HM. Treatment of the inversion ankle sprain: comparison of different modes of compression and cryotherapy. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1993; 17: 240-6.

  16. Condetuca F, Russo G et al. Aspetti preventivi nelle distorsioni del collo piede. J Sports Traum 1990; 12 (suppl) 1: 51.

  17. Jerosch J, Hoffstetter I, Bork H et al. The influence of orthoses on the proprioception of the ankle joint. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 1995; 3(1): 39-46.

  18. Mackay GD, Payne WR, Goldie PA. A comparison of the injuries sustained by female basketball and netball players. Aust J Sci Med Sport 1996; 28: 12-7.

  19. Soboroff SH, Pappius EM. Risks and costs of alternative approaches to the evaluation and treatment of severe ankle sprain. Clin Orthop 1984; 183: 160-8.

  20. Kaminski TW, Powers ME, Buckley et al. The influence of strength and proprioception training on strength and postural stability in individuals with unilateral functional ankle instability. J Athl Train 2001; 36(suppl): S-93.

  21. Nishikawa T, Grabiner MD. Peroneal motoneuron excitability increases immediately following application of a semirigid ankle brace. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1999; 29: 168-76.

  22. Garrick JG, Requa RK. The epidemiology of foot and ankle injuries in sport. Clin Podiatr Med Surg 1989; 6: 629-37.

  23. Yeung MS, Chan KM, So CH. An epidemiological survey on ankle sprain. Br J Med 1994; 28: 112-6.

  24. Sepic SB, Murray MP. Strengh and range of motion in the ankle in two age groups of men and women. Am J Phys Med 1986; 65: 75-84.

  25. D'Onofrio R, Manzi V, Colli R et al. Riflessi delle modificazioni ormonali sull’incidenza delle lesioni del legamento crociato anteriore e sulla performance fisica nel basket femminile. Teknosport 2004; 30: 27-34.

  26. Rovere GD, Clarke TJ, Yates CS et al. Retrospective comparison of taping and ankle stabilizers in preventing ankle injuries. Am J Sports Med 1988; 16: 228-33.

  27. Sharpe SR, Knapik J, Jones B. Ankle braces effectively reduce recurrence of ankle sprains in female soccer players. J Athl Train 1997; 32: 21-4.

  28. Baumhauer JF, Alosa DM. A prospective study of ankle injury risk factors. Am J Sports Med 1995; 23: 564-70.

  29. Ashton-Miller JA, Ottaviani RA. What best protects the inverted weightbearing ankle against further inversion? Evertor muscle strength compares favorably with shoe height athletic tape and three orthoses. Am J Sports Med 1996; 24: 800-9.

  30. D’Onofrio R, Manzi V, D’Ottavio S et al. Analisi biomeccanica degli esercizi di squat e leg press. Una review della letteratura. Teknosport 2003; 27: 14-24.

  31. Bahr R, Karlsen R, Lian O et al. Incidence and mechanisms of acute ankle inversion injuries in volleyball. A retrospective cohort study. Am J Sports Med 1994; 22(5): 595-600.

  32. Bahr R, Lian O. A twofold reduction in the incidence of acute ankle sprains in volleyball after the introduction of an injury prevention program: a prospective cohort study. Scan J Med Sci Sport 1997; 7: 172-7.

  33. Abdenour TE, Saville WA, White RC et al. The effect of ankle taping upon torque and range of motion. Athl Train J Natl Athl Train Assoc 1979; 14: 227-8.

  34. Beriau MR, Cox WB, Manning J. Effects of ankle braces upon agility course performance in high school athletes. J Athl Train 1994; 29: 224-30.

  35. Verhagen EA, van der Beek AJ, van Mechelen W. The effect of tape, braces and shoes on ankle range of motion. Sports Med 2001; 31(9): 667-77.

  36. Cordova ML, Ingersoll CD, LeBlanc MJ. Influence of ankle support on joint range of motion before and after exercise: a meta-analysis. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2000; 30: 170-82.

  37. Cordova ML, Ingersoll CD, Palmieri RM. Efficacy of prophylactic ankle support: an experimental perspective. J Athl Train 2002; 37 (4): 446-57.

  38. Burks RT, Bean BG, Marcus R, Barker HB. Analysis of athletic performance with prophylactic ankle devices. Am J Sports Med 1991; 19: 104-6.

  39. MacKean LC, Bell G, Burnham RS. Prophylactic ankle bracing vs. taping: effects on functional performance in female basketball players. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1995; 22: 77-81.

Ulteriori approfondimenti

Beriau MR, Cox WB, Manning J. Effects of ankle braces upon agility course performance in high school athletes. J Athl Train 1994; 29: 224-30.

Ekstrand J, Gillquist J. The avoidability of soccer injuries. Int J Sports Med 1983; 4: 124-8.

Greene TA, Wight CR. A comparative support evaluation of three ankle orthoses before, during, and after exercise. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1990; 11: 453-66.

Gross MT, Ballard CL, Mears HG et al. Comparison of donjoy ankle ligament protector and aircast Sport-Stirrup orthoses in restricting foot and ankle motion before and after exercise. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 1992; 16: 60-7.

Hosea M, Carey CC. The gender issue: epidemiology of ankle injuries in athletes who participate in basketball. Clin Orthop 2000; 372: 45-9.

Karlsson J, Andréasson GO. The effect of ankle support in chronic lateral ankle joint instability: an electromyographic study. Am J Sports Med 1992; 20: 257-61.

Refshauge KM, Fitzpatrick RC. Perception of movement at the human ankle: effects of leg position. J Physiol 1995; 488: 243-8.

Ricard MD, Saret JJ, Schulthies SS. Comparison of the amount and rate of inversion between high top and low top shoes. J Athl Train 1997; 32(suppl): S-13.

Vaes PH, Duquet W, Casteleyn PP et al. Static and dynamic roentgenographic analysis of ankle stability in braced and nonbraced stable and functionally unstable ankles. Am J Sports Med 1998; 26: 692-702.