Home Fascicolo n.6/2000 Bibliografia
Ormoni “sovrallenati”
pubblicato nel Novembre - Dicembre 2000 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.6


Derman W., Schwellnus M.P., Lambert M.I., Emms M., Sinclair-Smith C., Kirby P., Noakes T.D.: The worn-out athlete: a clinical approach to chronic fatigue in athletes . J Sport Sci, 15 (3): 341-51, 1997.

Koutedakis Y., Sharp N.C.: Seasonal variation of injury and overtraining in elite athletes . Clin J Sport Med, 8(1): 18-21, 1998.

Lehmann M.J., Lormes W., Opitz-Gress A., Steinacker J.M., Netzer N., Foster C., Gastmann U.: Training and overtraining: an overview and experimental results in endurance sport . J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 37(1): 7-17, 1997.

Mackinnon L.T., Hooper S.L.: Plasma glutamine and Upper respiratory tract infection during intensified training in swimmers. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 28(3): 285-90, 1996.

Rowbotton D.G., Keast D., Goodman C., Morton A.R.: The heamatological, biochemical and immunological profile of athletes suffering from the overtraining syndrome . Eur J Appl Physiol, 70(6): 502-09, 1995.

Rowbotton D.G., Keast D., Morton A.R.: The emerging role of glutamine as an indicator of exercise stress and overtraining . Sports Med, 21(2): 80-97, 1996.

Urhausen A., Gabriel H.H., Kindermann W.: Blood hormones as markers of training stress and overtraining . Sports Med, 20(4):251-76, 1995.

Urhausen A., Gabriel H.H., Weiler B., Kindermann W.: Ergometric and psychological findings during overtraining: a long term follow-up study in endurance athletes . Int J Sports Med, 19(2): 114-20,1998.