Home Fascicolo n.6/1989 Bibliografia
Un sospiro di sollievo
pubblicato nel Novembre - Dicembre 1989 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.6


Anderson S.D., Schoefferl R.E., Black J.L., Daviskas E.: Airway cooling as a stimulus to exercise induced asthma: a reevaluation . Europ. J. Respir. Disease l985; 67:20.

Anderson S.D.: Is there a unifying hypotesis for exercise-induced asthma? J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 1984; 73: 660.

Crawford W.A., Franks H.M.; Hensley V.R., Hensley W.J., Starmer G.A.: The effect of disodium cromoglycate on human performance alone and in combination with ethanol . Med. J. of Australia 1976;1:997.

Deal E.C., McFadden E.R., Ingram R.H., Strauss R.H., Jaeger J.J .: Role of respiratory heat exchange in the production of exercise induced asthma . J. Appl. Physiol. 1979; 46:467-475.

Fabbri L.M., Mapp C.E., Ruggieri F.: Infiammazione delle vie aeree e asma bronchiale . Folia Allergol Immunol. Clin. l9B4; 31:1.

Fisons: Road and SCG - 1987

Fitch K.D.: The use of anti-asthmatic drugs. Do they affect sports performance? - Sports Medicine 1986; 3: 136-150.

Godfrey S., Konig P.: Inhibition of exercise-induced asthma by different pharmacogical pathways . Thorax 1976; 31:137.

Godfrey S.: Exercise induced asthma. Clinical physiological and therapeutic implications . HJ. Allergy, 1975; 56:1.

Godfrey S.: The effect of disodium cromoglycate on asthma induced by exercise . 7th Int. Congress of Allergology. Special Meeting. Florence Oct. 1970; CEPI ROME 1971.

Hahn A., Anderson S.D., Morton A.R., Black J.L., Fitch K.D.: A re-interpretation of the effect of temperature and water contenent of the inspired air in exercise-inducedasthma . Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 1984, 130, 575.

Kay A.B.: Inflammation and the progression of asthma. Current views on bronchial asthma . Ed. Engstrom - Lindholm, Göteborg, Sweden 1983.

Konig P.: The use of cromolyn in the management of hyperreactive airways and exercise . J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 1984; 73 (suppl.):686.

Morton A.R., Fitch K.D., Hahn A.G.: Physical activity and the asthmatic . The Physican and Sportsmedicine 1981; 9:51.

Morton A.R., Fitch K.D.: Sodium cromoglycate in the prevention of exercise-induced asthma . Medical Journal of Australia, 1974;2:158.

Nadel J.A.: Inflammation and asthma . J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 1984;73:651

Oseid S., Haaland K.: Exercise studies on asthmatic children before and after regular physical training . In B. Eriksson, B. Furberg (eds): "Swimming Medicine", vol. 6, IV Int. Series of Sports Sciences, Ed. University Park Press. Baltimora 1978.

Patel K.R., Kerr J.W.: The dose-duration effect of sodium cromoglycate in exercise-induced asthma . Clin. Allergy 1984; 14:87.

Sheppard D., Nadel J.A.; Boushey H.A.: Inhibition of sulfure dioxide induced bronchocostrition by disodium cromoglycate in asthmatic subjects . American Review of Respiratory Disease 1981; 124:257.

Todaro A., Berlutti G., Caldarone G., Dal Monte A.: Bronchial asthma in top athletes . J. Sports Med.1984-; 24; 246.

Todaro A., Corsico R.: La pratica dello sport nei bambini asmatici . Med. Sport 1986; 39:263.

Vecchio C., Donner C.F., Fracchia C., Ioli G., Spada E.L., Corsico R., Zotti A.M.: L'allenamento all'esercizio fisico nel trattamento riabilitativo del bambino asmatico . Medicina Toracica 1983; 4:345

Voy R.O.: The U.S. Olympic Committee experience with exercise-induced bronchospasm , 1984 Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., 1986, 18:328.

Wallace D., Grieco M.H.: Double-blind crossover study of cromolyn sodium inhibition of exercise induced bronchospasm in adults . Ann. Allergy 1976; 37:153.

Weiner P., Greif J., Fireman E., Kivity S., Topilsky M.: Bronchodilating effects of cromolyn sodium in asthmatic patients at rest and following exercise . Annals of Allergy 1984; 53:186.