Home Fascicolo n.6/1986 Bibliografia
È utile la danza aerobica?
pubblicato nel Novembre - Dicembre 1986 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.6


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Dowdy D., Cureton K., DuVal P., Ouzts H.: The effects of aerobic dance on physical work capacity, cardiovascular function and body composition of middle-aged women . Research Quarterly, 56, 227-233, 1985.

Eisenman P., Golding L.: Comparison of effects of training on Vo 2max in girls and young women . Medicine and Science 1n Sports , 7, 136-138, 1975.

Foster C.: Physiological requirement of aerobic dancing . Research Quarterly, 46, 120-122, 1975.

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Haskel W. L.: Physical activity and health: Need to define the required stimulus . American Journal of Cardiology , 55:4LD-9D, 1985.

Igbanugo V., Gutln B.: The energy cost of aerobic dancing . Research Quarterly. 46, 308-316, 1978.

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Milburn S., Butts N.: A comparison of the training responses to aerobic dance and jogging in college females . Medicine and Science in Sports, 15, 510-513, 1983.

Pemental N., Sawka M., Billings D., Trad L.: Physiological responses to prolonged upper body exercise . Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 16, 360-365, 1984.

Rockefellar K., Burke E.: Psychophysiological analysis of an aerobic dance programme for women . British Journal of Sports Medicine, 13, 77-80, 1979.

Vaccaro P., Clinton M.: The effects of aerobic dance conditioning on the body composition and V02 max of college women . Journal of Sports Medicine, 21, 291-294, 1981.