Home Fascicolo n.5/1985 Bibliografia
Un metallo indispensabile
pubblicato nel Settembre - Ottobre 1985 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.5


Bowering J., Sancher A.M., MacPherson M.I. Irwin: A conspectus of research on iron requirements of man . J. of Nutrit., 106 , 985, 1976.

Committée on Nutrition: Iron supplementation for infants. Pediadrics, 58 , 765, 1976.

Koller M.E., Romslo I., Finne P.H., Brockmeier F., Tyssebotn I.: T he diagnosis of iron deficiency by erythrocyte protoporphyrine and serum ferritin analyses . Arch. Pediat. Scand., 67 , 361, 1978.

Natvig H., Vellar D., Andersen J.: Studies on haemoglobin values in Norzay . Acta Med. Scand., 182 , 183, 1967.

Piomelli S., Brickman A., Carlos E.: Rapid diagnosis of iron deficiency by measurement of free erythrocyte porphyrin and hemoglobin: the FEP/hemoglobin ratio . Pediatrics, 57 , 136, 1976.

Thomas J.W., Koenig M.H., Lightsey A.L., Green R.: Free erythrocyte porphyrin: hemoglobin ratios, serum ferritin and transferin saturation levels during treatment of infants with iron-deficiency anemia . Blood, 49 , 455, 1977.