Home Fascicolo n.2/2007 Bibliografia
pubblicato nel Marzo - Aprile 2007 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.2


  1. Tow BPB, Chang PCC, Mitra AK, Tay BK. Comparing 2 year outcomes of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using either patellar tendon or semitendinous tendon autogragrafts: a non randomised prospective study, journal of orthopaedic Surgery 2005: 13(2): 139-46.

  2.; “diagnosi di rottura del LCA”, dott Massimo Berruto, istituto Ortopedico Gaetano Pini – Milano.

  3. Valerio Anannia; “Eziologia delle lesioni del legamento crociato anteriore”, Ospedale S. Giacomo in Augusta Roma.

  4. Cerulli G et al. Prevention of the ACL injuries: from epidemiology to sport-specific training. In: ACL at the beginning of the third millennium.

  5. Dugan SA. Sports-related knee injuries in female athletes: what gives? Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2005; 84(2): 122-30.

  6. Roi GS, Creta D, Nanni G, Marcacci M, Zaffagnini S, Snyder-Mackler L. Return to official Italian First Division soccer games within 90 days after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a case report. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther Feb 2005; 35(2): 52-61.

  7. Ruiz AL, Kelly M, Nutton RW. Arthroscopic ACL reconstruction: a 5-9 year follow-up. Knee. Set 2002; (3): 197-200.

  8. Mike M. Malek. Chirurgia del ginochio. Complicanze, insidie e salvataggi. cap 8 –9-14. Verducci ed.

  9. Scott NW, Insall JN, Kelly MA. Arthroscopy and meniscectomy: surgical approaches, anatomy and techniques. Surgery of the knee; pag 65-211.

  10. Stengel D, Mathes G et al. Resorable screws versus pins for optimal transplant fixation in anterior cruciate ligament replacement with autologous hamstrings graft: rationale design of randomised,controlled, patient and investigator blinded trial. BMC Surgery 2005.

  11. Othopaedic Arthroscopic Surgery International; "I traumi distorsivi del ginocchio", Internet, Apr 2004.

  12. Tovin BJ, Wolf SL, Greenfield BH, Crouse J, Woodfin BA. Comparison of the effects of exercise in water and on land on the rehabilitation of patients with intra-articular anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions. Physical Therapy; 1994; 74(8): 710-9.

  13. Nye P. Restoration of knee function – the role of augmented anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a systematic review. June 2000.

  14. Greenman PE. Principi di medicina manuale. ed Futura, II edizione. Cap 1 pag 5-11.

  15. Bray R, Herzog W, McMorland G, Suter E. Conservative lower back treatment reduces inhibition in knee-extensor muscles: a randomized controlled trial [In Process Citation]. march 2000.

  16. Torinese D, Bandi M, Melegati G. I test riabilitativi di valutazione del recupero del decorso post operatorio dopo ricostruzione del legamento crociato anteriore. ed Minerva, atti del 16° congresso nazionale Società artoscopica Italiana. pag 384. 2003.