Home Fascicolo n.1/2016 Bibliografia
Che cosa indossi per fare sport?
pubblicato nel Gennaio - Marzo 2016 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.1


  1. Mariani F (ed). The Compression Therapy Study Group. Compression. Consensus Conference on compression therapy. Torino: Minerva Medica, 2009.
  2. Ali A, Creasy R, Edge J. Physiological effects of wearing graduated compression stockings during running. Eur J Appl Physiol 2010; 109: 1017-25.
  3. Born D, Sperlich B, Holmberg H. Bringing light into the dark: effects of compression clothing on performance and recovery. Int J Sports Physiol Perform 2013; 8: 4-18.
  4. Chatard JC, Atlaoui D, Farjanel J, et al. Elastic stockings, performance and leg pain recovery in 63-year-old sportsmen. Eur J Appl Physiol 2004; 93(3): 347-5.
  5. Duffield R, Edge J, Merrells R, et al. The effects of compression garments on intermittent exercise performance and recovery on consecutive days. Int J Sports Physiol Perform 2008; 3(4): 454-68.
  6. Driller MW, Halson SL. The effects of lower-body compression garments on recovery between exercise bouts in highly-trained cyclists. Journal of Science and Cycling 2013; 1(2): 45-50.
  7. Rugg S, Sternlicht E. The effect of graduated compression tights, compared with running shorts, on counter movement jump performance before and after submaximal running. J Strength Cond Res 2013; 27(4): 1067-73.
  8. Bottaro M, Martorelli S, Vilaça J. Neuromuscular compression garments: effects on neuromuscular strength and recovery. J Hum Kinet 2011; 29A: 27-31.
  9. Raguzzoni M, Campa F, Servadei S, et al. Effetti migliorativi post-gara con il costume a compressione. La Tecnica del Nuoto 2015; 1: 39-42.