Home Fascicolo n.1/2014 Bibliografia
Legamento mediale femoro-patellare: riabilitazione dopo ricostruzione
pubblicato nel Gennaio - Febbraio 2014 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.1


  1. Amis AA. Current concepts on anatomy and biomechanics of patellar stability. Sports Med Artrhosc 2007; 15: 48-56.

  2. Desio SM, Burks RT, Bachus KN. Soft tissue restraint to lateral patellar translation in the human knee. Am J Sports Med 1998; 26: 59-65.

  3. Buckens CF, Saris DB. Reconstruction of medial patellofemoral ligament for treatment of patellofemoral instability: a systematic review. Am J Sports Med 2010; 38: 181-8.

  4. Zaffagnini S, Dejour D, Grassi A, et al. Patellofemoral anatomy and biomechanics: current concepts. Joints 2013; 1 (2): 15-20.

  5. Masataka D, Mitsuo O, Yoshio S. A long-term follow-up study after medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction using the transferred semitendinosus tendon for patellar dislocation. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2005; 13: 522-8.

  6. Ronga M, Oliva F, Longo UG. Isolated medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction for recurrent patellar dislocation. Am J Sports Mer 2009; 37: 1735-42.

  7. Smith TO, Walker J, Russell N. Outcomes of medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction for patellar instability: a systematic review. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 2007; 15: 1301-14.