Home Fascicolo n.1/2014 Bibliografia
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pubblicato nel Gennaio - Febbraio 2014 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.1


  1. American College of Sports Medicine, Chodzko-Zajko WJ, Proctor DN, Fiatarone Singh MA, et al. American College of Sports Medicine position stand. Exercise and physical activity for older adults. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2009; 41(7): 1510-30.

  2. Finkelstein EA, Wang G, Lee IM et al. National and state-specific inactivity attributable medical expenditures for six diseases. Final report prepared for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by the Research Triangle Institute. Research Triangle Park NC: CDC and Research Triangle Institute, 2004.

  3. WHO. A global strategy for diet, physical activity, and health. Geneva: WHO, 2004.

  4. USDHHS. Physical activity and health: a report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta (GA): CDC, 1996.

  5. Roux L, Pratt M, Tengs TO et al. Cost effectiveness of community-based physical activity interventions. Am J Prev Med 2008; 35(6): 578-88.

  6. La prescrizione dell’esercizio fisico in ambito cardiologico. Documento cardiologico di consenso della Task Force Multisocietaria.