Home Fascicolo n.1/2008 Bibliografia
La valutazione antropometrica del nuotatore master
pubblicato nel Gennaio - Febbraio 2008 in Sport&Medicina - fascicolo n.1


  1. Pelayo P, Wille F, Sidney M, Berthoin S, Lavoie JM. Swimming performances and stroking parameters in non skilled grammar school pupils: relation with age, gender and some anthropometric characteristics. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 1997; 37: 187-93.

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  3. Doherty M, Dimitriou L. Comparison of lung volume in Greek swimmers, land based athletes, and sedentary controls using allometric scaling. Br J Sport Med 1997; 31: 337-41.

  4. Kukolj M, Ropret R, Ugarkovic D, Jaric S . Anthropometric, strength, and power predictors of sprinting performance. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 1999; 39: 120-2.

  5. Martelli S, Zaffagnini S, Falcioni B, Marcacci M. Intraoperative kinematic protocol for knee joint evaluation. Comp Met Progr Biomed 2000; 62: 77-86.

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  7. Paquet V, Feathers D. An anthropometric study of manual and powered wheelchair users. Int J Ind Erg 2004; 33: 191-204.

  8. Feathers DJ, Paquet VL, Drury, Colin G. Measurement consistency and three-dimensional electromechanical anthropometry. Int J Ind Erg 2004; 33: 181-90.

  9. Wu G, Van der Helm FC, Veeger HE, Makhsous M, Van Roy P, Anglin C, Nagels J, Karduna AR, McQuade K, Wang X, Werner FW, Bucholz B. ISB recommendation on definitions of joints coordinate systems of various joints for the reporting of human joint motion - part II: shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand. J Biomech 2005; 38: 981-92.

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  11. Paraskevas G, Papadopoulos A, Papaziogas B, Spanidou S, Argiriadou H, Gigis J. Study of the carrying angle of the human elbow joint in full extension: a morphometric analysis. Sur Rad Anat 2004; 26: 19-23.